Evil Incarnate - Christ Destroyed

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Supremely evil slow Death Metal. Brutally heavy with utterly demonic vocals. The sound isn’t awesome, but these tracks also appear, in apparently remastered form on EI’s debut CD [Blood of the Saints] on Deathgasm Records, which also contains the cuts from their previous, self-titled, demo.

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Evil Divine - Feathers Have Fallen

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Only in New Jersey could people this fucking retarded exist. Looks like these trendies saw a picture of Cradle of Filth and decided to start a Black Metal band. Evil Divine is to Black Metal what Taco Bell is to Mexican food. A cheap imitation. The vocalist’s name is Demonica. Wouldn’t that be a better stage name for a female? What’s even more hilarious than the CD is the show review they enclosed with their bio. At the gig reviewed they cover an Anal Cunt song, hey that’s pretty evil, and Demonica dedicates a song to his girlfriend, which I know first hand is a bad mistake. He’ll be sorry when the cunt leaves him, and if she’s heard this demo she probably already has. [I wish we had the space to reprint these poseurs’ press release, as it is the most unintentionally funny thing I have ever read. -Editor]

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Evergrey - The Dark Discovery

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Imagine Thrash, maybe like Dark Angel, but with more Soundgarden-ish (from the Badmotorfinger era) vox. Evergrey play with such conviction and skill, and these songs are all so instantly memorable, that you just can’t help but to like it. And upon repeated listens, you begin to understand just how awesome this LP really is. Like all masterpieces, it reveals a little more with each spin, and although it might only take once to like it and remember it, you’ll need to let it play a few times to really start to appreciate how much they put into this, and how close to perfection it really is. Which is ex-fucking-tremely. And it just might also possess the coolest packaging I’ve ever seen, with a clear-tray digipack and full color booklet. Did I mention that they have a guest solo from none other than Andy LaRocque? I may well look back on this later and wish I’d given it a 10. It’s that close.

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Evemaster - Lacrima Mundi

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is some Black Metal from Finland that sounds very Norwegian. I know that some bands in Finland would take that as an insult, but Evemaster sounds a lot like their neighbors, Emperor. That’s not saying that they’re clones. Evemaster have some major differences from Emperor, but on the whole, you can tell that they were influenced heavily by that band. Imagine if you will, Emperor with more of a Gothic edge to it. This has a definite atmosphere of its own and you can tell that they are talented and have put together quite a good album. Considering that I knew next to nothing about this band (only that they were from Finland and played Black Metal, to be exact), I was surprised at how good that they were. If you can find this at your local record store (or if you find it on a distribution list), this would definitely be one to consider picking up.

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Esqarial - Amorphous

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011

Another band from the Polish Invasion, this CD has a lot of Thrash influence. Guitar dominated, this trucks along very quickly. The music is tight and well arranged. They remind me of the old school Speed band Annihilator. The bio talks about their “virtuoso” guitarist and there is a lot of wanking on here. The solos are dull, but the riffs in the background are good. Complex riffs and great playing with aggressive music.

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Epoch of Unlight - What Will Be Has Been

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011

Strange to see a band like this from the United States. E of U plays very aggressive Black Metal, with suitably screechy vocals. Plus some pretty complicated songs, that are really memorable thanks to the superior riffs and drumming. Well, actually there are several different vocal styles used here, and the fact that I don’t think some are as excellent as others keeps this from perfection, but not by much. Hail true Tennessee Black Metal!

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Enthroned (Belgium) - Regie Sathanas (A Tribute to Cernunnos)

Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Well, Enthroned (the European one, not one of the five or six American ones out there) have returned once again, this time with an EP that pays tribute to their late drummer Cernunnos. This is some fast, chaotic Black Metal in the veins of Marduk, or Dark Funeral with hints of early Emperor in places. Some have criticized this band as being unoriginal but Hell, that’s a criticism that slaps about 90% of all bands in the scene today. In terms of ass kickage, this band is pretty good at what they do. They’re fast and intense and the music has that Bathory-on-speed feel down pat. They even do a cover of “The Conqueror” by the almighty Sodom! All the songs are tight and rage from start to finish. The oldest track, “Satan Never Sleeps,” was written when Cernunnos was in Morbid Death and though it sounds a bit different than the usual Enthroned fare, it doesn’t sound all that dated compared to the newer material on display. As a tribute to him, Cernunnos would be proud. His brothers have done a good job.

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Enoch - Starcradle

Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Aside from the first riff in “Sweet Solitude Tears,” which resembles something you would hear in a cheesy ’70s made-for-TV action series, the singer’s completely unnecessary spoken passages, some upbeat, happy rhythms, and poor usage of keyboards, I suppose this isn’t totally worthless. Every once in a while they’ll try very hard, but for every good riff, there are four shitty ones. They have good intentions, but not the skill to match. I was very much looking forward to hearing something that Varathron’s vocalist, Necroabyssious, helped mix, but overall I would have to say this is a let down.

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Enmortem - Their Blood I Offer the King

Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It’s great to see all these ferociously heavy bands popping out of the Chicago area again. I don’t know if these guys consider themselves part of the “Ill-Noize” scene or not, but they’re certainly sick enough and heavy as fuck! The production really holds them back a little, but you can tell once this band gets into a studio that they’re going to wreak immoral havoc! I am reminded of Corpsevomit. And I’m not just saying that because they also worship the goat!

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