Crack Up - From the Ground

Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2010

You could call this Death Metal, but there are obvious influences from most other Metal forms, too. Not bad, but not exactly inspirational.

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Corpsevomit - Dirty Journey (rehearsal)

Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2010

I’m not sure if I was supposed to review this, but it’s too cool not to. Hopefully everyone has heard of the sickos known as Corpsevomit, but if not use the address below immediately [The demo reviews in the print issues of Metal Curse had physical addresses listed for the bands. -Editor]. Often rehearsal tapes sound really terrible, but this one sounds as good as many demos I have. These bastards belt out a couple of their traditional horrific Death Metal songs, and bookend them with a pair of Slayer covers (“Fight ‘til Death” and “At Dawn They Sleep”), complete with Araya-esque vocals. That this band isn’t signed yet is completely insane.

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Conspiracy - Reincarnated

Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010

Often this sort of fast Black Metal is somewhat hampered because the speed and intensity of the drums sort of overpowers the riffs. Conspiracy are too wise for that, and allow their riffs to always be heard, no matter how high the tempo. And they can get going very fast sometimes. But they’re also smart enough to occasionally slow things down. The sound quality here isn’t too great, not that it bothers me that much, but in a good studio, these songs might achieve perfection.

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Conquest - Rage

Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010

Clueless geeks with good equipment trying to be heavy.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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Coarse - Downwards

Posted on Friday, October 01, 2010

This sounds like what I might have expected Metallica to be like by now, if they still had one testicle between the lot of them. But that’s still pretty wimpy, and more than a little influenced by “Hard” Alternative. I can’t really tolerate much of this crap.

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Coalition - All Purpose Grind

Posted on Friday, October 01, 2010

I guess this deceptively named disc this is better than their self-titled demo-CD, but it just doesn’t seem to have the necessary intensity for Hardcore, if that’s what they’re trying for. It seems really bland and sort of halfhearted, no matter what you’d call it.

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Coal Chamber - Coal Chamber

Posted on Friday, October 01, 2010

Well, I utterly hated their demo (see review), so it’s no surprise that Roadrunner would sign them. What the fuck is going on with labels signing bands like this? In case you don’t feel like locating the demo review in this endless sea of words, these guys sound like a White Zombie cover band that decided to attempt to write some songs, and completely failed at it, but was given a contract anyway. Add another disc to my pile for backyard Tron games.

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Ciborium - Colossal Crags

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ciborium sound really good. They occasionally have loud keyboards, and somewhat Thrashy Black Metal as far as the music goes, but the vocals are well within the low, growly realms of Death. This is a combination I love. Admittedly, the keyboards aren’t right sometimes, sounding out of place, but that is very rare. And the more I listen to these songs, the better they get. Ciborium have perfection in them, as is evidenced in the flawless song “Catalepsy,” and in a lot of places throughout the others. Hopefully I’ll be hearing more from these guys soon.

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Cianide - Death, Doom and Destruction

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Longtime readers of Metal Curse know already that this album was destined to get a perfect rating. Cianide have proven, time and time again that they are the ultimate Death Metal band. They understand that their heavier-than-Godzilla songs must also be memorable, and they deliver on that in spades. This album, like their latest demo (Rage War 1996), is a occasionally a little faster than they have been in the past, but it is executed flawlessly, and seems to have only made them better. All bands should be required to listen to this album (and a select few others) to hear how it should be done. “Destroying the trends / Killing the false ones dead! / Headbanging ‘til the end / Metal NEVER BENDS!” If that doesn’t deserve a ten, nothing does. Buy this and support Cianide or I’ll fucking murder you (it’s not the band’s fault that some idiot got the song order wrong when he did the layout).

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