Chastain - In Dementia

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kate’s vocals have turned into a raspy Blues/Hard Rock wail, and sometimes the music also seems more in that style, too, rather than the expected light Thrash / Metal. The guitar sound is still thick and meaty, but when it is at it’s heaviest, Kate seems to always have to try to prove what a tough chick she is, and doesn’t pull it off too well.

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Cerebral Turbulency - As Gravy

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ultra-heavy traditional Death Grind. The lyrics are not as gory as I would have thought from the artwork, and the music not quite as straightforward. CT takes a few chances by breaking form the constant speed, and trying out some quirky ideas. Somehow it almost always seems to work for them.

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Centinex - Reflections

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I was really looking forward to this release, and was pleasantly surprised upon my first listen. Everything has improved: The writing, the playing, the production, the vox, the intensity - everything. They must be very happy with this razor-sharp slab of Death Metal.

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Cavity - Somewhere Between the Train Station and the Dumping Grounds

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

You’d never in a billion years guess it by looking at the artwork or song titles, but this is (for the most part) pretty heavy Sludge. Sort of like Grief, but I think that Cavity arrived at this point having traveled a different path. There are some parts when the speed is kicked up to “pretty fast” but the layers of feedback are just as crushing. More than worth a listen.

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Cause for Alarm - Birth After Birth

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

First of all, I’m not completely certain if this is considered by the band and/or label to be an EP, but it’s only got 6 tracks and is about 27 minutes long, so that says EP to me. Anyway, I remember their nearly flawless last album, Cheaters and the Cheated, as being a little heavier than this, and a little less strictly Punk sounding. Still, Birth… is very catchy and the production is nothing short of amazing. I must admit to liking their more aggressive sound better, but one is hard pressed to find much to complain about here.

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Cast Iron Hike - Watch It Burn

Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2010

At just over an hour, this is one of the longest releases on Victory. I would have much rather heard longer albums from most of the other Victory bands, but CIH aren’t too bad. They sound like a slightly Hardcore version of Flotsam and Jetsam, right down to the vox.

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Casbah - Bold Statement

Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unfortunately this Thrash masterpiece is only available in Japan. Roadrunner USA wake the fuck up! I have loved all of Casbah’s demos, but this finally sees them with a production that perfectly combines their crushing heaviness, “thickness” and clarity. In other words, a production worthy of their excellence. This is ultra-memorable intense Thrash at it’s most neck-breaking. Casbah are true masters of their instruments, but never resort to showing off, preferring instead to write massive riffs and great songs. Taka’s vocals are just as thick as the music, maybe due to his accent, and also raw, but in a controlled way. He is instantly recognizable, which is itself sort of amazing. I’ve listened to this over and over, maybe 20 times (and knew the songs before then) trying to find a flaw - any flaw. There are none. To my Japanese brothers must now go the highest of all possible honors.

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Casbah - Casbah

Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Casbah just keeps getting better and better. The production is thick & heavy, the riffs memorable, the vocals low & raspy. ‘Nuff said? Not yet. This band’s Thrash is in a class by itself, and just when you think you understand, they’ll do something unexpected, but always cool. Their greatest strength, though, is their ability to write such extremely catchy songs. Seriously, each of these 8 tracks worms its way into your brain and just stays there. I really don’t understand why these guys aren’t signed.

[I didn’t realize it at the time, but this release seems to be an unmastered version of the band’s Bold Statement album with the tracks in a different order. -Editor]

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Cannibal Corpse - Monolith of Death Tour ‘96/‘97 (video)

Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2010

The one thing that I don’t like about this otherwise deadly video is that it’s not one live show, but rather songs from different shows - all live though. Well, except for the video for “Devoured by Vermin,” that ends this sickness-fest. It’s cool to hear and see live versions of some of my favorite Cannibal songs, such as “Pulverized,” “A Skull Full of Maggots,” “Stripped, Raped and Strangled,” and their “big hit,” “Hammer Smashed Face.” Too bad the pornographic video for that song wasn’t included…

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