Biocide - Biocide

Posted on Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Pretty Thrashy and actually pretty cool. Perhaps the production could be a little brighter, but it’s acceptable. Musicianship is high, especially the bass work (as would be expected, since these guys know Sadus and this demo was co-produced by Steve “Mr. Bass” DiGiorgio), and the energy is nuclear, but the vocals may be too screechy for some (they don’t bother me, but they don’t really add anything).

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Beyond Description - Promo ‘92

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Three songs of speedy Thrash with very thick, bass heavy production (which I like). Interesting, yelled vocals. Not bad, but not great. Featuring Mirai from Sigh on bass.

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Betrayer - Power of Hate

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Very memorable, and well produced heavy Thrash. The vocals are aggressive, and actually pretty raw. This demo has three studio tracks, and two live cuts, and is certainly worth sending them a blank tape.

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Benediction - Dark Is the Season

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Damn, this is great. These freaks cover Anvil’s “Forged in Fire” with Barney (Napalm Death) doing the vox. And all five tracks have the super production that The Grand Leveler has. What more do I have to say? Great songs. Great production (except for the “crackles” in the beginning of “Forged in Fire”). Outstanding.

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Beherit - The Oath of Black Blood

Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010

Totally cool intro. It really goes downhill fast after that. Weird stereo separation of the vocal tracks on “Metal of Death” is annoying as hell and honestly the least annoying thing about this album. Vox are weak as fuck: the vocalist tries to growl in the Death Metal style, but can’t. When the music is slower, it’s only goofy. When it’s faster, it’s simply laughable. How did they ever get signed? Utter shit.

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Baphomet - The Dead Shall Inherit

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Holy Shit! Brutality at its best. The first full-length release from these Buffalo Deathsters kills! It’s even better than the demo. The drums rule. Great double bass and lots of it. The vocals and guitar are both heavy and somewhat original sounding. After a debut like this, I think they will have a difficult time topping it with their second album. This is one great piece of Death Metal. Favorite song: “Streaks of Blood.”

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Autopsy - Acts of the Unspeakable

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

I guess someone has to compete with Cannibal Corpse for sickest cover art and lyrics. And like the Corpse’s Tomb…, this album comes in a “clean” no lyrics version and the “Deluxe, Ultra Sicko edition.” If you buy the censored version, I’ll personally hunt you down and kill you- slowly- ya fuckin’ douche. Anyway, musically this varies from slow Death to near Grind. The lyrics are kinda silly and I’ve never been a huge fan of Reifert’s vocal style, but this is brutal stuff. Autopsy may not be my #1 favorite band, but you can fucking count on ‘em to be totally sick and heavy. And they continue to expand their style a bit with each release. That’s a strong point. In this case, strong enough.

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Autopsy - Fiend for Blood

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

The first time I heard this EP, I was convinced that it was worthless except for Steve DiGiorgio’s excellent (and fretless) bass work. However, the more I listen to this, the more I like it. It didn’t really “grow on me,” rather it just snuck up behind me and was cool. All 6 songs are short, mostly fast, and of course raw and heavy. The addition of DiGiorgio on bass lends Autopsy the technical edge needed for this release to surpass my initial distaste. I have only 2 wishes for this band: 1. That they could convince Steve to stick around (he could still be in Sadus too), and 2. Reifert should always sing like he does on “A Different Kind of Mindfuck” and “Dead Hole.” It would simply be more brutal.

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Atrocity - Longing for Death (aka Todessehnsucht)

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Awesome. Even better than the impressive Hallucinations: more technical and heavier, plus the vocals have improved in all possible ways. These freaks even cover the really old Death song “Archangel.” Honestly, this is one of my favorite albums. Favorite song: “Necropolis.” ‘Nuff said.

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Astaroth (Florida - USA) - Drowning in Blood

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

Fuck yeah. If this had better production, it would totally kill. Very heavy and raw Death. Great vocals and interesting lyrics. But I think Larry is a little obsessed with Alicia: Get over it, friend.

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Asphyxiation - Deception

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

This demo has six songs, excluding an awesome intro that sounds like a chick choir or something. The quality of the recording is about average. However, the drums kill. And the vocals are brutal, raw and very deep at times, and kinda raspy at others. This demo is very easy to get into because of the great riffs and songs. I love this demo. So I say, “Order it, you won’t regret it.”

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Asphyx - Last one on Earth

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

Heavy shit here -very heavy. Asphyx, in my opinion, is one of a few bands that don’t show their talent in songwriting. Their riffs are brutal as fuck, but not real technical. Martin Van Drunen does not do the bass tracks this time, so this is a bit more technical than their previous releases. Fucking cool.

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Armoured Angel - Stigmartyr

Posted on Thursday, September 02, 2010

Totally professional looking and sounding four song release. Excellent production, and very energetic, fast music. While mostly on the Thrashier side of Death, these guys are pretty heavy, and I especially like the vocalist, who is fairly raw, yet understandable. Don’t miss this.

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Afflicted - Prodigal Sun

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Occasionally Thrashy, occasionally groovy. Hmm, this is sorta weird, but certainly in the good way. Mostly Death Metal, but with the aforementioned additions, plus some Doom elements, and also a bit more weirdness. This is a good combination of styles and I like it quite a bit.

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Necromantia - Vampiric Rituals

Posted on Sunday, April 15, 2012

This review once more shows how behind I am getting this issue out [I reviewed this in the same issue as the band’s next demo, from 1993. -Editor]. Anyway, Necromantia is one of my favorite Black Metal bands, so my opinion is pretty biased, but this is awesome. Some Black bands try for a thin production, I guess to make sure they don’t sound like a Death Metal band, but Necromantia isn’t afraid of a heavier sound, and achieve it by, among other things, the use of two basses. It’s an excellent idea, and only adds to the band’s greatness. Everything about these songs is inspiring, and each song is very unique. I can’t say enough about this amazing band. You were told.

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Aversion - Fit to Be Tied

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Ahh, Thrash. Glad to know it’s still alive. These freaks have the energy of several small cities. The only thing I kinda don’t like is how much their singer, Christian, sounds like James Hetfield (you’ve heard of that pussy, right?). But that’s it and it’s not really that bad, I guess. It’s more like, “Too bad Metallica isn’t this cool anymore.” Oh yeah, all the songs are short, only one over 4 minutes and only three more over 3. Out of twelve songs. It’s a good thing to know when to end a song, and not be afraid to make ‘em short. I like that. And this band too. B.T.H.T.D.N.B. (Ask the infamous Willie Gee of Neuro Toxin what that stands for!). Upped a little for believing in what they do and staying with it.

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Atom God - History Re-Written

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

These guys come so close to being great that it scares me. And yet, they seem to just miss it. Right when I think they are going to hold the greatness, they let it fall aside and do something goofy. It just bugs me to see them so close. Maybe next time.

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At the Gates - The Red in the Sky Is Ours

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Damn, this is great. Violin and Death Metal work together perfectly. It gives this an ancient feeling, which is sometimes really eerie, and always cool sounding. One of the best things I’ve ever heard.

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Assorted Heap - Mindwaves

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

This is a talented Deathrash outfit. Vocally I am reminded a little of Sepultura, but only a little. Musically, they offer enough variation to keep my interest and make the songs memorable. But nothing really jumps out and kills me. Nothing is bad, but things could be better. Still, this is an acceptable effort.

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Archaic Torse - Sneak Attack

Posted on Thursday, September 02, 2010

Fast, reasonably heavy Deathrash. In the vein of Sepultura. Yet AT has a more underground feel. This is a good album, but something about the band, perhaps the recording, makes me like this CD quite a bit. There is no overabundance of heaviness, brutality, technicality, or originality. But they have something on their side. And it’s enough to make this album memorable and well worth ordering.

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