D.F.L. - My Crazy Life

Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2010

Pretty speedy and Thrashy, with distorted vocals - which in this case sound odd. Interesting, but not very convincing.

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Curse (Portugal) - Demo ‘95

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

Here we have five songs of generally fast, always well played Deathrash, with raw, but very understandable vocals. Curse have a lot of energy and even more personality.

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Crystal Age - Far Beyond Divine Horizons

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

Fast and technical from the first second to the last, Crystal Age obliterate the listener with their Black / Death Metal combination. Excellent production, and flawless playing push this close to perfection.

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Cryptkicker - One to Blame / Numb

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

This two-song tape is packaged in an all white o-card, like a cassette-single [if anyone remembers those abominations -Editor], and while the production is very clear, and thick, the songs are sort of all wrong. It seems like these guys simply listened to some Pantera, then decided that they could write some songs.

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Crucifer - Separation

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

This band has lost some heaviness, but these three songs are all very memorable. I’m not sure why they thought they needed to trade some brutality for memorability, since they were always catchy. I still like it, though, but would have liked it more had it been as heavy as previous releases.

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Crowbar - Time Heals Nothing

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

I actually like this album, but it’s pretty hard for me to respect anyone who lists “the entire Pantera organization” on their “Thanks List.” And speaking of those useless bastards Pantera, Crowbar are of the same Exhorder school of “Power Metal,” as it has come to be called (groan) [At some point someone thankfully must have realized that the term “Power Metal” already meant something else, so this Southern-fried sound became known as Sludge, at least for this band. -Editor] but thankfully without Pantera’s posing and vocal effects. I do hope they check out some Dark Angel albums before naming their next disc, or it may be called Darkness Is Coming Down.

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Crepitus - Ruination

Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2010

Two songs for two bucks. That’s pretty cool, and these guys do manage to occasionally get really interesting. However, for the rest of the time, it’s very standard Death Metal (with impressively brutal vocals), which is really fine, but a little more identity would be a plus.

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Creepfog - A Yearning Is Whispered…

Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2010

Horrible sound, the most basic of songs, bad playing, and screechy vocals. Is this supposed to be Black Metal? Let me check the flyer. Oh, it’s “Ancient Pagan Metal.” Well, whatever they want to call this mess, it’s a total waste of tape.

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Crawl - Earth

Posted on Sunday, October 03, 2010

These guys used to be called Bleed and put out a 6-song CD called Womb. Five of those songs are on here, along with four new ones. So if you already have Womb, $14.99 might be too much to pay for 4 new songs, however the old ones are of course re-recorded. Anyway, all that aside, this is amazing. Cool samples, and very clear, heavy, sound. The band is extremely tight, as you would expect, since they use a drum machine. They really do a nice job with the programming. The only thing I’m a bit curious about is the vocals. Sometimes Tom is clearly going for a Death Metal style (and doing a good job) and others he sounds like the guy from Helmet.

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