Descendent - Descendent

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2010

A word of advice to all bands: A lot of people like to send cash through the mail, as opposed to a check or money order, for demos (and other stuff), so charging a crazy amount like $4.82 will probably result in less sales than just charging $5. Many people don’t want to bother with money orders, and not everyone has a checkbook. Anyway, the music on this two-song demo is pretty standard issue Thrashy Death Metal, maybe like Demolition Hammer. It sounds okay, but not awesome, which is what I thought of when I saw the words “digitally recorded in a professional 24-track studio.” Fuck man, they could have gone on 16 analog tracks, done a black and white cover, and had enough money to record more than two songs. But what do I know, right? Their flyer says something about a “fold out lyric sheet.” Well, the band asked me to review this, and I received no lyric sheet, fold out or otherwise. Their flyer also mentions that their “first release” (which I am assuming to be this demo [the band actually released its debut 4-song demo the previous year, 1993 - Editor]) is available in “record stores near you.” I have the nagging feeling that these gentlemen are extremely new to the Underground scene, which doesn’t really make them bad guys, just rather uninformed. I hope I helped.

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