Cryptic Winds - Storms of the Black Millennium

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

This is perhaps the ugliest band on Breath of Night. I don’t mean by looks, but by sound. This sounds like a Panzer assault most of the time. If the harshness of getting your body shredded by artillery and the feeling of what remains of your shattered corpse getting run over by a tank could be set to music, that would pretty much describe the bulk of what is on this album. This shit is just fucking harsh! It has a lot in common with Australian scene’s War Metal style assault - particularly that of Bestial Warlust or Abominator - with the raw chaos and brutality of old **Blasphemy. The whole thing is loud, intense and flat out fucking evil. Even when there are interludes of acoustic guitar, you know that things will explode into chaos and mayhem any second afterward. This has all the hallmarks of being an underground classic. I’m not surprised at all that Breath of Night picked these guys up, because while they may not sound like other bands on the label, the quality is there.

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