Corrosion of Conformity - Corrosion of Conformity

Posted on Tuesday, March 06, 2012

This sees the Animosity lineup getting back together for a new album. While I liked Corrosion of Conformity in the old days, I have to say that this album isn’t what I was expecting. There are parts that are heavy, but a lot of this sounds like Soundgarden or some other Seattle Grunge act. I kept waiting for this album to start kicking ass, but it never really happened. The playing was slow, but unlike Doom, it lacked heaviness and atmosphere. You could tell that something was missing. It wasn’t fire-breathing, aggressive music. It was more like Rock & Roll but without any strong hooks or any real groove. At some point, Corrosion of Conformity stopped being angry Hardcore kids and tried to go for some mainstream appeal, but from the sound of things, they’re about a decade late. If these guys can get some strong hooks and memorable riffs into their music, they’ll kick ass. Until then, this leaves me wanting.

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