Annotations of an Autopsy - II: The Reign of Darkness

Posted on Monday, August 09, 2010

Deathcore is becoming quite the dirty word in the Extreme Music community. Take the UK’s Annotations of an Autopsy, whose debut album Before the Throne of Infection was a solid, brutal chugfest of blasting and breakdowns. It received scathingly poor reviews from nearly everyone (except the massive crowds attending their shows, that’s odd). “We’ve heard it all before” seems to be the battle cry of the critics. It’s much more honorable and novel to heap praise on Neurosis clones I guess. That’s not a trend at all (bandwagon-jumping fucks). So, with 2010’s new offering from the band, minus 3 original members who left the band to play full time in Ingetsed (a great Deathcore troupe in their own right), responds by shedding much of the Core and emphasizing almost exclusively on the Death. You won’t hear any complaints from me, as the young band can apparently tackle any style they desire. Reign of Darkness is the best Death Metal album of the year. Okay, as of press time in early February it’s the only Death Metal album of the year so far, but it’s still a damn good one. And scenesters, don’t be scared, there’s still hints of that slamming groove hidden throughout the core of this Deathly assault.

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