Aeternus - A Darker Monument

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

To me, Norway’s Aeternus has always been a Death Metal band trapped in a Black Metal band’s body. Not that that’s a bad thing, as this identity crisis has provided us with a lethal combination of frost and fury over the last eleven years. But with the appropriately titled A Darker Monument, the real Aeternus may have ultimately been emancipated. Maybe it’s just because the chick is gone, but the Death Metal soul of the group reigns supreme throughout these nine tracks. The vibe it gives begs for comparisons to the mighty Vital Remains. Complex song arrangements, wicked riffs, stellar drumming, Ares’ patented bestial growl, and the overall feeling of tonal morbidity ensures that these guys can bring it with anybody. You can’t really go wrong with any Aeternus release, but A Darker Monument is without question the heaviest shit they’ve ever done.

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