Acherontas - Amenti - Ψαλμοί Αίματος και Αστρικά Οράματα

Posted on Friday, October 11, 2013

Researching Acherontas for this review was quite interesting. Though the band is from Greece, they don’t really have much in common with other bands from that area. Their sound was more in line with the old Norse Atmospheric Black Metal style (Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, etc.), though they were quite adept at weaving melodic guitar-work in with the keyboards. Amenti is quite different than any of their previous works. The Black Metal parts are still dark and melodic, though a larger portion of this LP is devoted to more Ritual/Ambient sections. One of the main reasons I wanted to listen to this is because Scorpios Androctonus (Crimson Moon/Akrabu/Sabnack) recently joined the band (in late 2012, I believe). This is his first album with Acherontas and you can see his influence. Scorpius is big into the whole Messo-Arabic Ambient/Atmospheric stuff and there is definitely more of that on this LP than ever before. There are parts of Amenti that sound straight out of an Akrabu album. The Ritual/Ambient elements of this album were particularly interesting to me because while the Black Metal was good, the ritualistic stuff gave this album more of an identity. Atmospheric Black Metal bands, while rarer than in the mid-’90s, are still fairly mainstream in the Black Metal scene as a whole. The incorporation of more ritualistic, Messo-Arabic sounds to the Acherontas style has made them far more unique than they had been before. This band had an already impressive back-catalog, but of their releases I like Amenti the best. It’s their most unique offering to date and the one that I end up listening to the most.

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