Dogod - The Other Gods

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

Everything about this band is cool. Excellent production. The songs are all well-written and pretty memorable, which is helped by the vocals. These guys go for the kill at all times. There is no unnecessary bullshit - only Death. That’s a sorta basic approach, but it works really well for them.

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Disharmonic Orchestra - Not to Be Undimensional Conscious

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Extremely impressive combination of several styles. Could be described as Funky Death/Grind Groove. The track “The Return of the Living Beat” incorporates Rap as well. With this much experimenting going on it would be easy to sound sloppy or wimpy, but these freaks are tight, heavy, brutal and memorable. This is original and very cool.

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Drowning Skin - Cranial Impalement

Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Straightforward Death Metal with a few interesting riffs and some Grind thrown in for kicks. Massively brutal vocals and poor production make this appear heavier than the guitars and drums would suggest, but that’s the beauty of a deficient production.

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Disembowelment - Dusk

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

This is the first of the Relapse Underground Series. All three songs appear, in re-recorded form, on the band’s album, Transcendence Into the Peripheral (see review), and two of them are from their latest demo, so I guess if you’re a geek, you wouldn’t have to get this - but you would be stupid if you didn’t.

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Disembodied (New York - USA) - Proliferate Carrion

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

Here’s a typical Death/Grind band from New York. The production on this demo really sucks: You can hardly hear the vocals. The music is basic, and had they put this out as a rehearsal it wouldn’t be so bad. If the production was better, maybe I could get more from the music. The best track here is “Rotting Mind.” All things considered, this could be really good, with some work. So keep trying, dudes!

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Disciples of Power - Ominous Prophecy

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

Excellent production makes this Death Metal band really stand out. They have an original sound and everything about this album is great. I even like the technical guitar solos. Incredible. A fine album. ‘Nuff said.

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Despair - Beyond All Reason

Posted on Monday, October 25, 2010

Interesting Thrash, with melodic vocals. Much in the same style as Forbidden, but featuring Marc Grewe (Morgoth) on backing vocals. Excellent guitar work throughout, superb recording and production and loads of double bass (always a plus), combine for a great album. “Deaf and Blind” and the instrumental “Crossed in Sorrow” stand out. While “Imported Love“‘s lyrics cause its downfall. All open minded readers should check this one out. Also, very interesting cover artwork…

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Demortur - Oblation

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fairly standard Death Metal, with interesting, although kinda screechy, vocals. Lots of good parts and excellent recording and production, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

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Demonomacy - Chaos Incarnated

Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not exactly groundbreaking, but extremely fucking intense. Also great production. This actually reminds me somewhat of Deicide’s first album, at least in terms of music and brutality, but I like Dana’s voice better: It’s raw, but not very deep, and has quite an original sound. These girls could kick your ass, Beavis.

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Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is the second release from these brutal Trash freaks. Lots of double bass and fast guitar riffs grace this album. All nine songs are on the Death edge of Thrash, and this is aided by the raw, screechy vox. Most songs are also very memorable, especially the final track, “Aborticide.” This is what Thrash was meant to be. A definite must.

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Demolition - When the Tomb Beckons…

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Raw Death/Grind. Pretty memorable songs, and decent production. Sick vocals. This is great, and these guys also appear on the Heralds of Oblivion compilation CD.

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Demented Ted - Despair

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Following Sindrome’s lead, these guys went all the way to Morrisound to record. There are about a billion excellent studios a lot closer to Chicago. This is certainly their best effort so far, but some more original riffs wouldn’t hurt. The sound quality is excellent, but this is pretty predictable.

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Deicide - Legion

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

I was really hoping that Legion wasn’t going to be just a watered-down version of their debut, but in some respects it is. It’s not too inferior, though, and this time the bass is even audible (and it sounds unbelievably fucking brutal). Florida’s “Father of the Year,” Glen Benton, has certainly improved in the bass department, but his lyrics and vocals have deteriorated. Only three songs: “Satan Spawn, the Caco-Daemon” (about Glen’s son, Daemon), “Dead but Dreaming,” and “Revocate the Agitator” are up to the standard set by Deicide. Maybe they should have waited longer. At least two songs are clearly filler, and this is on an album which is only 29 minutes long. Deicide are still tops in my book, but if they don’t watch their asses, they might get dethroned soon.

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Decrepit (Indiana & Illinois - USA) - Cannibalistic Feast

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Faster and with better recording than their first [self-titled] demo. Also better vocals. Still very brutal Death Metal, and still good, in fact in all ways better than their debut. All they really need is a decent studio and a budget.

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Decrepit (Indiana & Illinois - USA) - Decrepit

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

Very competent Death Metal. The level is a bit low, but that’s no big deal. Nothing new is really done here, but what they do, they do very well. All fans of things brutal will dig this.

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Decollation - Cursed Lands

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

My advance tape only has four songs, so I’m not sure what the rest of the album sounds like, but these songs are pretty good. For the most part, the music is fast, and these are some Black Metal elements to be found, such as eerie keyboards. The vocals are a little weak, but not too bad.

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Deceased - The Thirteen Frightened Souls

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010

The kings of Death continue their assault. Five choice cuts of classic Death Metal, including an outstanding cover of “Voivod.” Great EP, great band.

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Decaying Corpse - Morgue of Breasts

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010


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Decadence - Dancing on the Edge of Dawn

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Five pretty intense Thrash songs. This sorta reminds me of Xentrix (who I like). This style isn’t too popular right now, but they really do a great job with it.

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Dead World - Collusion

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fuckin’ psycho. Industrial uhh, Doom. Heavy and kinda slow, this creates a feeling not of slam-pits, but of a huge crushing force descending and obliterating everything in its way. The album is really mean sounding and sets an evil mood, but something seems to be missing: maybe it’s not heavy enough. No, I don’t think that’s it. Maybe it’s the “borrowed” Sabbath riff. I’m not exactly sure what’s missing, but this is still close to greatness.

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