Hypocrisy - The Final Chapter

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011

Hypocrisy have had a different sound on all of their releases, from Death to Doom to Black Metal and more. This sort of combines them all, but not all at once (although there is almost always some Black Metal involved). Each song has a unique identity. “Inseminated Adoption” is fast Black Metal, while the very next song, “A Coming Race” might be described as Gothic Black Doom. It’s very impressive and diverse, but I would expect no less from Peter and his band of demons (“aliens”?). I only hope that this is not really the final chapter for the band.

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Grip Inc. - Nemesis

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011

As much as I worshipped their debut, The Power of Inner Strength, this is clearly superior. The vocals are more individual, but still powerful, and raw when necessary. The music is somewhat more diverse, but with Dave Lombardo beating skins, and Waldemar Sorychta handling the guitar duties (as well as the production), you know it’s always intense. The unique style of Thrash played by Grip Inc. is nearly in a class by itself, and all fans of Metal (in its many forms) are advised to check it out. You’ll not be disappointed.

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Grave - Extremely Rotten Live

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Having been rather disappointed when I last saw Grave live (on their most recent tour), I wasn’t sure what to expect from this live disc. However, when I saw that there was some old material (even a never-before-released demo track!) on here, I felt a little better. Not that they played any old shit when I saw them… So I sat down and gave it a listen. If the guys in Grave are reading this, I have a question for you: What the fuck? The music is passable (not as heavy as it should be from fucking Grave!), but the vocals are sissified. They sound like Machine Head or other twats like them. Fly me over for your next album and I’ll show you what Death Metal vox sound like. I’ll do it for free. So don’t tell me that you couldn’t get anyone else to sing. Turn the distortion back to 10, and get a new growler. Or change the band’s name.

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God Dethroned - The Grand Grimoire

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

This band’s Black/Death Metal is so intense, I was tempted to call it Black Grind. The production is supreme, and that helps a lot, but for all it’s intensity, this isn’t really all that memorable.

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Jungle Rot - Slaughter the Weak

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

It’s about time this outstanding Death Metal act got signed! Chomp-chomp Death with lots of catchy hooks and changes, kind of like Obituary. If you were at Milwaukee [MetalFest] in ‘97, you must have heard everyone talking about this band. They are truly something that must be witnessed by every Death Metal fan. Now if only someone would put out a CD with all the tracks from the Rip Off Your Face and Skin the Living demos on it. That would fucking rule, just as this does!

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Gates of Rage - Jester

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

These guys are compelled to do some little spoken word bit in every song. It really gets old after a while. Kinda like Rob Zombie saying “Yeah” at least 24 times a minute. Not only that, but G of R do a little Beastie Boys style rap on side two of this musical disaster. I have to admit that some of the lyrics are okay and some of the songs have a heavy/groove guitar sound. But other than that, it’s worthless.

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Gates of Ishtar - The Dawn of Flames

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

I guess that every band on Invasion Records must kick ass. Someone at Metal Blade deserves a big raise for this licensing deal. Anyway, G of I are fast “new school” melodic Black Metal, with the requisite Thrash & Death Metal touches. Very well written and executed. The guitar solos sometimes even approaching a Mercyful Fate sort of feeling. And I think that’s a compliment of the highest order. I have no complaints about this very impressive release, but I’d kill someone for a lyric sheet.

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Gardens of Gehenna - Mortem Saluta

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

I was thoroughly enjoying this Doomy, majestic Death Metal, when all of a sudden the disc hit track 8; a Techno “remix” of the 1st song, “Nebelmond.” It’s not terrible, but it does bring this down from what would have been close to perfect. However, the remaining seven cuts are more than 30 minutes long, so even without the “remix,” this is still a full-length release, so I guess I shouldn’t complain (as if that ever stops me).

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Gardenian - Two Feet Stand

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

The idea to play Death Metal with a bit of a groove to it is not new, however Gardenian is one of the few bands that can do it well enough to make it sound cool. The fact that there is a dash of Black Metal also helps them to stand alone. Their Rock influence also comes to the front a few times, but once again, they somehow manage to break with the norm, and make it kick ass. Maybe it’s got something to do with the lyrics (check out the pro-suicide cut, “Downfall”). But really it’s that for once a band has figured out how to take the best elements from their influences and get rid of the rest. The result: near perfection.

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