Agnostic Front - One Voice

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

That’s strange… I was under the impression that Agnostic Front was a Hardcore band. This album sounds like a more Thrash (less Death) Sepultura. Even the vocals. That’s not a bad thing, but just not what I expected. Actually, it’s pretty cool. But I have to wonder how many Hardcore bands are still pure ‘Core. I’d like to hear one…

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Agathocles - Theatric Symbolisation of Life

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

What we have here is a total Death / Grind assault which leaves everyone utterly dead and mutilated beyond belief. When they Grind, it’s ultra fast, and when they slow down, it’s totally thick and unbelievably heavy. There is no way you couldn’t like this.

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Agamas - Agamas

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Four songs of awesome Death Metal. Excellent production and song-writing. And a bit more original style and lyrics than most others. Memorable songs that are heavy and brutal enough to kill all in a mile radius. Some bands forget to, or can’t, make their songs memorable at all. That’s why Agamas kicks their collective ass.

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Aftermath A.D. - Disgorging Hatred

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Interesting and heavy Thrash from this 4 piece. Four of the 5 songs are fine examples of very aggressive Thrash, with rough, yelled vocals. The remaining song, “Ugly Phuk,” is about 3 seconds long and sounds like an S.O.D. tribute. So that’s cool too. The song “Cult of Greed” deals with police brutality from the victim’s point of view. The lyrics to all the songs deal with real life things. Self described as “Hate-core,” I think it’s an apt description. Check this out.

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Afterlife - Surreality

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glad to hear that they kept the keyboards in the beginning of “Priests…,” uhh I mean “Eve of the Eclipse.” Anyway, they manage to combine a certain degree of technicality with brutality and, somehow, bits of this are pretty memorable. The lyrics are even fairly interesting, and of course Paul vomits them forth in the most raw way possible.

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Affliction - The Damnation of Humanization

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

This is pretty fucking professional. Eleven songs of high quality, well played, memorable Thrash. Amazing production. The style is certainly not new, but these guys really do it justice.

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Advocate - Advocate

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Anyone remember Death Angel’s The Ultra Violence album? Vocally this is very similar, although musically it’s even more intense. Their style is dated, however there is enough energy in these four songs to easily make up for it. Some work could be done on the lyrics, but don’t let that or anything else stop you from hearing this band.

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Adrenalin - Cause and Effect

Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Other than the occasional lyrical stumble, this is spectacular. Musically they sound sorta like the Thrash version of Atrocity - they are that talented. Vocally very much a screamer, Todd really sounds great, but sometimes his phrasing (when he sings in relation to the music) seems a little unnatural. Very professional looking and sounding, and the production is excellent. Check this out.

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Acrimonium - 1992 demo

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I’m even more behind than usual with this review. [I think this review was written in ‘94 or early ‘95 -Editor] And I lost their address. But, somehow, find these guys and this demo. It’s only got two songs, but both are great. Heavy, but well produced, and somewhat brutal, yet memorable. They even have an acoustic intro to the second song, which is very well done. All bands take note: Be sure your address is on the demo or J-card, so I can’t lose it, as I have so foolishly done with Acrimonium.

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