Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles - We Sold Our Souls for Wet Sloppy Holes

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010

I was very happy to find out that this band had not one, but two new CDs available when I saw them at this year’s (2001) Milwaukee Metalfest. Their live show kicks ass, too, by the way. As for this disc, their patented Groovy Punk Metal is even more Metalized than on their eponymous debut, and their sense of humor bigger and more porno than ever, as well. Dick D starts things off with “All Cops Are Dicks,” and ends with an unlisted cover of NWA’s “Fuck the Police.” Neither is as flawless as the anti-pig track on their next album [2001’s Bigger Than Ron Jeremy], however… Then these ski mask wearing madmen break out an ancient Traci Lords sample before unleashing the rest of the insanity. But as great as this album is, the one that follows it is even better. Still you’d better get them both (and their debut).

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Diabolique - The Black Flower

Posted on Friday, October 29, 2010

This is more Gothic and less Metal than [the band’s previous album] Wedding the Grotesque, and seems to have lost more than a little in the transition.

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Diabolicum - The Grandeur of Hell (Soli Satanae Gloriam)

Posted on Friday, October 29, 2010

“Industrial Black Metal.” Oh yeah, that’s just what the world needs. After the obligatory gay intro, these naughty fellows crank up their very fake-sounding drum machine to 1,000 BPM and get to work on some extremely simple speed-picking. Actually this is somewhat better than I’m making it sound, and not really terrible, but anyone - and I mean anyone - could sit down with a drum machine and a guitar and make an album at least this okay.

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Diabolic - City of the Dead

Posted on Friday, October 29, 2010

It’s cool to have this ‘97 demo on disc. The production obviously is a little inferior considering the source, but mastered by Jim Morris, it sounds good enough. It sure beats being stretched and eaten up by my tape deck. Plus evil bonus tracks!

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Depresy - Sighting

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Being previously unfamiliar with this Slovakian band, I had no idea what to expect when I put Sighting into my CD player. I was in for a very pleasant surprise! Depresy play brutal and melodic Death Metal that combines strong songwriting with varying tempos to create an album that is innovative and memorable. Keyboards are used to create a bone-chilling atmosphere, which gives this release an eerie presence. Properly placed tempo-changes and variations in keyboard usage help to create individuality amongst the eight tracks featured here. With the exception of the keyboards being a little too loud for my liking in some places, the production is well done. I find myself liking this album more and more with each successive listen. I’ve been told that Depresy also have an MCD out entitled A Grand Magnificence. I will definitely be investigating that release as well! Those of you looking for something a little different in the realm of brutal Death Metal should give Depresy a try. You won’t be disappointed.

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Denile - Autumn: Sea of Dying

Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2010

This is the kind of extreme Hardcore/Metal crossover that my pal Jack would call “Metalcore,” so I’ll steal his term. It’s occasionally easy to see the Slayer influence in Denile, but only at their most mellowed out and relaxed. This band is unbelievably intense, and can be tremendously heavy whenever they feel like it. The blurred line between Metal and Hardcore has been explored by many bands over the years, and most of them proved just how hard it is to do that and not sound like complete jackasses. Denile blends the styles so flawlessly, so masterfully, that it seems as if they’ve had decades to perfect their craft. The problems that other crossover bands have had in the past (mostly bad vocals and stupid riffs) are utterly obliterated here, without one second of weakness to be found in these nearly 25 minutes. But that’s the only problem: this is too short! I need more! Okay, it is true that I would much rather have 25 perfect minutes than have more time and less perfection. God damn, I can hardly wait to hear more from these guys.

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Demons & Wizards - Demons & Wizards

Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2010

After a fairly heavy intro, the Thrash / Power Metal kicks in, still a bit heavier than I was expecting. And considering that the principle members of D&W are from Blind Guardian and Iced Earth, this band’s ability is beyond question. But what I do question is why guys from Blind Guardian and Iced Earth would team up to form a band that more or less sounds exactly like what you’d get if you put their main bands in a blender, and set it to “puree - extra heavy guitar sound.” That’s not to say that D&W is bad, just sort of redundant. And, the band’s name gives away a great deal of their lyrical content, which might have been impressive to me when I was a little kid. Maybe.

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Demoniac - The Fire and the Wind

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cool combo of Black Thrash with more traditional Metal elements.

Originally appeared in
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Demoncy - Joined in Darkness

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hell! Yet another Demoncy album! Baphomet Records has been doing a lot of dredging within the scene these days. I’m not sure that Killjoy intends to attempt a resurrection of the older days of Black and Death Metal but it certainly seems that way. This sounds like something that was recorded back in 1993! Anyway, this is the third full-length album by Demoncy and this release sees Demoncy becoming a solo project. The other members have departed and the only one left is Ixithra (who also is the sole member of Profane Grace). Joined in Darkness sounds rawer, more bestial and certainly more like a band going for feeling rather than technical ability. No flashy guitar masturbation, no complex, technical riffs, no solos, no polish - you just get pure, ugly, Black Fucking Metal. While the last album sounds more in the Darkthrone vein, album number three has much more of a Death Metal feel. If you can imagine a primitive as fuck Death Metal sound mixed with raspy, quasi-whispered vocals, you pretty much get this album. Joined In Darkness is raw, primitive and evil - the way Black Fucking Metal is supposed to be.

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