Gigandhi - Chaaval

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

They do a Madonna cover (“Justify My Love”), and in the CD booklet, there’s a fellow angrily biting into an apple… Yet the guitars are super distorted, and fairly heavy sounding. And just to really confuse me, the vocals range from a “tough guy” distortion scream, to Alternative smooth, by way of James Hetfield. Some parts are good, and some terrible, as you might have guessed. Depending on what sort of mood you’re in, this could easily range from awesome to terrible. But I must give them a lot of credit for the courage to release an album this diverse.

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Gholes - Songe

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

Excellent melodic Death Metal with brutal female vocals.

[Metal Curse #11 had an additional loose page (“Last Second Additions”) inserted into the centerfold of the zine, featuring a bunch of even-shorter-than-usual “bonus” reviews of stuff that arrived after the deadline for that issue. This is one of those “Last Second Additions” reviews.]

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Gehenna - Adimiron Black

Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2011

Featuring a vocalist who is mixed so low that he sounds like an angry neighbor next door, Gehenna otherwise doesn’t fall into most of the cliches that plague many Black Metal releases nowadays. No “spooky” keyboard intros, no thin guitars. Instead, they have a fat drum sound and the ability to change tempo during their songs. Lyrically, I don’t know where they are coming from, due to the aforementioned mixing problem, but they have a dead, naked girl on the cover, so it can’t be too nice. Okay, maybe there’s one “spooky” keyboard intro, but it’s not too bad. Certainly not ground-breaking, but better than a lot of others I’ve heard.

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Garden of Shadows - Heart of the Corona

Posted on Friday, May 06, 2011

Even though this only has 5 tracks (well, plus an intro), it’s about 40 minutes long! G of S can really crank up the intensity when they feel like it, and belt out some intense Death Metal. But they just as often go for a slower, more majestic, melodic, sorrowful feeling.

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Gandalf - Deadly Fairytales

Posted on Friday, May 06, 2011

Nothing too outstanding or flamboyantly queer here. A lot of the song structures are very plain and dare I say, Poppy. It’s like prep-Death. Certain riffs, and I’m dead serious, sound like, if they were a little less distorted and thick, something you’d hear in a Warrant or Cinderella ballad. Of course I’m sure that will boost sales from all the closet homosexuals scattered about the Metal scene who like that kind of shit. Just check out the beginning and chorus of “Fade Away.” I’m just waiting to hear Jon Bon Jovi start whining at any second. Speaking of vocals, they aren’t too solid. On some songs they’re more aggressive than others, but listen to the style on “End of Time.” Is that Dave Mustaine after a night of sucking dick for heroin or what? The vocals at the beginning of “The Price of My Deeds” sound like he’s sprawled out on a bed fondling his testicles while watching gay porn. Okay, so I was wrong, this is flamboyantly queer.

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Galactic Cowboys - At the End of the Day

Posted on Friday, May 06, 2011

I think there’s some kind of harmonica solo in the first song. That earns the Galactic Doughboys a one-way trip to the backyard Tron pile.

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Frozen Shadows - Dans les Bras des Immortels

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

This band hails from Canada. Quebec, to be exact. As a matter of fact, Frozen Shadows makes a point of mentioning that they are from Quebec. My French absolutely sucks (much more so than my German, Norwegian and Swedish), so I don’t know much about what these guys are about. I’m assuming that they are separatists as they are a little too proud of being French-Canadian to not be nationalistic to some degree. I really couldn’t give a flying shit about their political affiliations, as the music is what is doing the talking here. The vast bulk of this album is high-speed, underproduced Black Metal in the Immortal vein, with a clear Darkthrone influence. Darkthrone played at Immortal speeds best describes this. There is one point on this album, the song “Of Pain and Insufferable Torment,” to be precise, where they get slower and atmospheric. This has to be the standout song of this album. The rest of Dans les Bras des Immortels dissolves in a blur of chainsaw guitars and blasting drums, but this one song is something that sticks in my head. If they can do more in that style, diversifying their assault, they will be a band to be reckoned with. Until then, they will be just another faceless group of corpse-paint wearing musicians with one cool song.

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Frostmoon - Tordenkrig

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ahh, here we have some evil Black Metal [Is there any other kind of Black Metal? -Editor]. In this case, five tracks worth, with a production raw enough to give this a somewhat heavy sound.

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From the Depths - Elysium

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

Black, technical Death Metal. These guys are pretty good. Not ultra speedy but fast when called for, and symphonic at times with a little Thrashy flavor to boot. Nice riffs. What’s not to like?

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