Gandalf - Deadly Fairytales

Posted on Friday, May 06, 2011

Nothing too outstanding or flamboyantly queer here. A lot of the song structures are very plain and dare I say, Poppy. It’s like prep-Death. Certain riffs, and I’m dead serious, sound like, if they were a little less distorted and thick, something you’d hear in a Warrant or Cinderella ballad. Of course I’m sure that will boost sales from all the closet homosexuals scattered about the Metal scene who like that kind of shit. Just check out the beginning and chorus of “Fade Away.” I’m just waiting to hear Jon Bon Jovi start whining at any second. Speaking of vocals, they aren’t too solid. On some songs they’re more aggressive than others, but listen to the style on “End of Time.” Is that Dave Mustaine after a night of sucking dick for heroin or what? The vocals at the beginning of “The Price of My Deeds” sound like he’s sprawled out on a bed fondling his testicles while watching gay porn. Okay, so I was wrong, this is flamboyantly queer.

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