Demon Sword - Christ Blood

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

While I really hated this band’s self-titled first demo, I have to say that Demon Sword has improved vastly since then. This is the band’s third demo (I never got to hear the second one) and while it is stylistically similar to the debut, the playing is much better and the sound has also improved a lot. I’m generally not a big fan of the Grim Black Metal style as it tends to be underproduced and sloppy, but Christ Blood is tight and there is enough lower-end in the guitars to give the whole thing some crunch. The only major problem Demon Sword seems to have is the overly repetitive nature of the drumming. The beat is pretty much the same on the majority of their songs, resulting in the illusion that all of tracks on this CD sound a lot more repetitive than they actually are. Other than that, Christ Blood is one of the better Black Metal demos I’ve heard in a while.

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Deject - As Our Days Come to Pass

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is so fucking cult! Here we have a traditional 4-song demo/CD (a rarity in this age) by a Norwegian Death Metal band that sound like some lost relic from the early ’90s Nuclear Blast / Relapse roster! Now, that’s just plain tits. Seriously, these guys make it like they used to. Hints of old Gorefest, Resurrection, a pinch of Disharmonic Orchestra, and especially old Benediction make up the sound and feel of Deject, and you can add to the fold a healthy helping of suicidal lyrics for good measure. I just don’t know what else you could ask for. Contact this band, get a copy of this demo, and instantly become the coolest kid on your block.

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Death Machine - Death Machine

Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2010

“Death machine, infest my corpse to be”? Nope, not that cool. These guys take more of a Meshuggah approach. Heavy, layered, angular, and with vocals that are abrasive but totally understandable, which isn’t always a good thing in this case. They make it clear that they are not above borrowing a few Nu-Metal tactics, but I guess they have to eat. Not really my thing, but talented without question, and recommended underground exploration for fans of Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, Slipknot, and other safer Metal bands.

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Dead Infection - The Lethal Collection

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is a great collection of this Czech Grind band’s EPs and other rare tracks, all remastered! Featuring the gore-soaked songs from the Poppy-seed Cake EP, No Pate, No Mind EP, Party’s Over EP, The Greatest Shits MCD, and the Grind Over Europe ‘96 cassette, this disc is non-stop ultra-brutality from start to finish.

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Dawn of Defiance - Summoning Death

Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just two songs to go on here, but the strengths and weaknesses of this one-man band are instantly recognizable. The bright side is the music, Thrash with a Death tint not too far removed from the feel of old Sepultura, and the melodic, clean guitar passages are done very well. The downfall here is the horrible vocals. He sounds like Jamez Hetfield in mid-gay-love coitus. The production here could use some cleaning up as well. Overall, this guy has some talent and some good ideas, but he needs to save up some cash and recruit a good singer. His voice makes this intolerable. Plus, he thanks god (“the supreme energy that enables me everyday to achieve my dreams”). What the fuck is up with that? Real defiant, fag.

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Darkthrone - Hate Them

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

I wish that I knew how to best describe this album, but I really don’t - it’s complicated in its simplicity. I suppose that the occasional slower pace is nothing too new for Darkthrone. And neither is the raw-yet-clear recording, nor the super memorable riffs that seem to be impervious to wearing out no matter how many times they’re repeated. And of course the raspy vocals are the same, too. But, somehow everything seems to come together in just exactly the right way. The resulting Black Metal is so close to a grotesque, decayed form of perfection that language itself fails me.

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Darkest Hour - Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

Not that Darkest Hour need all these guest appearances to boost the cred of their patented melodic Gothenberg-inspired Deathcore, but I admit it was a treat to hear Tomas Lindberg lend his trademark scream to the authentic hybrid. By now, what else can be said about this band that hasn’t been said already? I’ve been hooked since their flawless full length debut, Mark of the Judas, and while in my eyes they still haven’t topped that album, I have yet to be let down. With this band you know what you’re going to get, and that’s a good thing. All you Metalheads that miss the glory days of At the Gates, In Flames, and Dark Tranquillity take note, this is the new blood.

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Dark Psychosis - Profane Hallucinations

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

The obscure one-man Black Metal side project of Xaphan from Summon. Well, while Summon are releasing albums in 5.1 Dolby surround sound, Xaphan is apparently using a 17-year old answering machine to record his solo work. This production is BAD! What I can make out seems to have an old Mayhem-like quality, but it could just be the evilness of the unholy tape hiss. I really would like to hear something a bit more polished before I make a proper judgment, as the sound here is just too fucked up to decide either way.

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Dark Moor - Dark Moor

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

Take the theatrical prowess of Queen, the sap of Iron Maiden’s career lows, the melodic hooks of Air Supply, the modern Choir Metal feel of newer Therion, and the polished finesse of Nelson and you have a nauseating, operatic blend of Power Glam so overwhelmingly gay that it may prove to cause erectile dysfunction in heterosexual males.

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