Atrox - Contentum

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Artsy-fartsy keyboards and operatic yet quirky female vocals are basically the total hype surrounding this otherwise average Goth Metal act. There is talent here, but I just can’t get into this. Ironically I protest, do not believe everything you read.

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Atomizer - The End of Forever

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Hailing from the Land Down Under (Australia), it isn’t surprising that Atomizer has a bit in common with fellow Oz Death Metal maniacs Destroyer 666. Like Destroyer 666, they have a Thrashier sound than most of the other War Metal bands (Abominator, Bestial Warlust or Sadistik Exekution to name a few) from that area. The music itself isn’t all that technical, sticking to simple, memorable stuff that packs quite a punch. Some of the lyrics are a bit hokey (such as on the song “Atomic Metal Power”) but for the most part, this is some kick ass Death/Thrash. one problem I noticed that they had towards the end was the lack of song differentiation. Most of the bands from Down Under have a similar problem because they concentrate on the “all-out assault” style of delivery. If they can diversify their attack a little and inject their songs with some more individual identity, Atomizer will be up their with the kings.

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Atomic Opera - Gospel Cola

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

I have no idea how to review something like this album, and I am extremely happy about that. I assure you that you will want to avoid this celebration of weakness at all costs.

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Astriaal - Summoning the Essence of Ancient Wisdom

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

This Aussie Black Metal legion sounds a lot like Dissection. They have the intensity, they have the same style but they don’t have the clear studio sound that made Dissection’s attack that much more potent. The rawer sound makes this a little more brutal but at the same time, it muddies up the guitar harmonics up a bit. This doesn’t detract from Astriaal’s extremely high ass-kickage rating in the least. The only major detraction is that this is so short. I’m not sure that many bands realize that putting out a really kick-ass EP just annoys people because just when you start getting into it, it’s fucking over! I honestly felt cheated when this ended. It’s like listening to a band playing their best song and then the PA goes out and forces them to stop playing right in the middle. You don’t get that feeling of completion and you definitely notice it.

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Artrosis - In the Flowers Shade

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

Another reissue, this time from 1999. Flowers is not far removed from the sound of the previous album, although there is even more of an emphasis placed on the singer’s voice, and perhaps an overall softening of the music. However, this does have moments of atmospheric heaviness mixed in with the more electronic elements. The vocals are generally stronger this time, and I found myself liking more of this album than I did In Nomine…. You also get a bonus video track and some other “multimedia” extras. Gothic Metal fans should probably check this out.

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Armistice - Hot on the Trail

Posted on Thursday, September 02, 2010

Fast and raging Kreator-inspired German Thrash that could have been great. A poor vocal performance reduces Hot on the Trail to an average recording. The vocalist doesn’t scream or sing. He shouts in an almost Hardcore-flavored manner which just doesn’t fit the music. It’s really a shame too, because the music is incredible. Head-banging speed, monster-riffing, and dizzying solos are all over this release. The production is outstanding as well. I really hate to give these guys a lower score because the music is so damn good. Let’s put it this way - vocals aside, this is the album Kreator should have released after Coma of Souls. ‘Nuff said!

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Arcana - ...the Last Embrace

Posted on Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Expanding the awesomeness of their 8-minute EP (see review) into a full length album of life-draining gloom must have been nearly impossible, but Arcana has done it, with cold majesty to spare.

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Antropofagus - Alive Is Good… Dead Is Better

Posted on Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I guess I don’t dislike this band as much as Jack does, but their drum-machine powered Grind is certainly as monotonous as it is intense. Fortunately, this EP is only about 15 minutes long, which is a good duration for this band.

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Brighter Death Now - Obsessis

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Holy shit, this is truly brutal overdriven Noise! I’m sure that some like this sort of thing, but I’m not among their number, so it was a real chore to sit through this disc. Nice “money shot” cover art, though.

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