Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding

Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2010

I was very surprised, to say the least, when I first listened to this album. The Corpse have traded a little of their brutality for about a thousand times as much memorability. This allows them to show what talented musicians they have become. Chris has also altered his vocal style so that you can sorta understand what he’s saying. But fear not, this is still as brutal as a nuclear war, and twice as sick. Notice my favorite songs: “Fucked with a Knife” and “Stripped, Raped and Strangled.” Really all the rest are excellent, too. This is their best album, and has totally changed my mind about this band.

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Candiru / Fat Hacker - Propulsion / Fat Hacker

Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2010

Candiru sounds way more experimental with this release and I must say, it fits them better. The more Death Metal style seemed a bit off. Perhaps a little forced. This is still heavy, but in a different way. I like this better.
Fat Hacker is weird. In the good way. I’m reminded a little of John Zorn. That should, hopefully, give you an idea of the awesome range of styles this band can achieve. It takes a couple listens, but this is incredible.
An excellent split EP, available on black or swirl vinyl.

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Cadaverous Quartet - The Extinction Agenda

Posted on Friday, September 24, 2010

For only $10, this is a deal. CQ have a style similar to that of Death’s Leprosy album, but a bit more experimental. Very clear sound, and well thought out songs are the least of this band’s assets. Excellent vocals, and even lyrics. I also like the solos. CQ are at the point where all they need is a little fine tuning of their drum sound and a label with a distribution deal to pick them up. And to get rid of the dopey Hendrix cover.

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B-Thong - Skinned

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

The first song, an instrumental, was cool, but I wasn’t too impressed with the vocals on the others. Good bass tone, though. This almost sounds like a combination of Faith No More with one of those “New Metal” bands, like Fight. Not too bad, I guess, and certainly better than I expected.

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Brutality - When the Sky Turns Black

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

I really liked their debut, but this pretty much destroys it. Everything is just more intense. Heavy, yet clear production, memorable songs, and great vocals. This will certainly be one of the best Death Metal albums of the year. They even cover “Electric Funeral.” Excellent job, guys.

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Brutal Truth - Need to Control

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

Brutal Truth have a reputation for being a “crossover” between their Death Metal label-mates and more noisy, experimental bands like tour-mates Pain Teens and Boredoms. The good news is that they don’t end up sounding like a forced synthesis but rather like a band with an extensive arsenal of options. They employ slow, Doomy riffs, or almost Black Metal-sounding minor chords, or spastic shrieking outbursts akin to the Boredoms, or sick layered harmonies, or drumming acceleration that can resemble both Hardcore and Grindcore, and the list could go on. This album is as well-conceived as it is well-executed, a freak-out onslaught of a high order.

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Brutal Juice - I Love the Way They Scream When They Die

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

This CD is mastered really low: Probably about half as loud as a “normal” disc. That’s weird, if you ask me, maybe it has something to do with this being a live recording, but I can’t see how it could. Past that little speedbump, this is pretty decent, umm, Hardcore, I guess. Honestly, it didn’t do much for me.

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Brood - Plugged

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

They repeat the lyrics and riffs quite a bit, but it is still interesting. The production is just excellent, and so are the vocals, which are very raw, but also easily understood. I can’t get past the repetition, so that really hurts it for me.

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Brainstorm (California - USA) - Rupture the Soul

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The intro is very slow, moody, and evil-sounding. That gives way into songs which, while pretty good, might have been helped by being slower, moodier, and more evil-sounding. As is, they sound as if they could be some songs that Chuck rejected for inclusion on Death’s Leprosy, but faster.

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