Betrayer - Our Scars

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting. The thick production is much thinner, and the human drummer has been replaced by a machine. Now you may know that my band (Adversary) uses a drum machine, so I’m usually pretty tolerant about them, but I just don’t like this new, Industrial, direction Betrayer has taken. The songs are just not as interesting, which is a damn shame, since I really liked their Power of Hate demo (see review). Maybe their next one will see them get back on track.

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Bereaved - ‘94 Demo

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Another good Death Metal band. A little more identity would help, but for those who demand it brutal, this will do nicely.

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Benediction - The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Two new songs and three live ones to show that this band is not dead yet. The new tracks are very intense, and memorable, and the live cuts sound good, too.

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Beats the Hell Out of Me - Beats the Hell Out of Me

Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010

This is certainly a unique sounding band. Not exactly any one style. They are clearly heavy, but in a weird way. Strange, but interesting.

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Avernus - Sadness

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

The immense Doom heaviness will crush you, even as Rick’s Death rattle torments your remains. Atmospheric, powerful, well written, and expertly played. I must admit to trying to find something about this demo to bring it down a little, so I wouldn’t have to give it a perfect rating, but I couldn’t. So, if you’re interested in hearing the best Doom demo tape to ever exist, then write them immediately. An all time classic.

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Avernus - Anastasia

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

Well, this is only one track from an upcoming demo, but if the others turn out as great as this one, I may have to give a demo a 10. Absolutely the best Death/Doom combination I’ve ever heard. At least as heavy as Forest of Equilibrium, but with a sound more like Turn Loose the Swans, and exclusively Death Metal vocals. I’m extremely anxious to hear more from this band. Miss this and die.

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Atrocity - Blut

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

The first time I listened to this, I though that perhaps there are two bands called Atrocity, so I checked the line-up. Nope this is the same band that released the amazing _ Todessehnsucht_ (known as Longing for Death in the US) and Hallucinations. Well, gone are the Death vocals, and these crappy new yelled vox are almost never double tracked (a technique which Alex Krull made famous). If you can get past the mostly terrible vocals, which is impossible for me, the lyrics are occasionally stupid now as well. Even the music has lost most of the brutality it once had, although it is at least still pretty technical. Too bad this isn’t all instrumental!

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At the Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

This album starts out with a melancholic violin intro, which leads onward into countless blast beats and melodic Grind spasms. Not much of a change from With Fear…, but when you’ve got such an original and raw style as this, you shouldn’t fuck with it anyway. Very intense and emotional. Don’t miss this. Contains 3 live tracks.

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Asphyx - Asphyx

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2010

As you know, former vocalist Martin is gone, and the new singer (who also plays bass and did so on the last album, too) does a great job, I almost don’t miss the Van Drunen scream. For the most part this isn’t as basic as you would expect from Asphyx. They seem to have lost a little brutality, but the songs are mostly just as memorable, and certainly more technical.

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