Concrete Sleep - As I Fly Away

Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010

This doesn’t really sound like it was recorded at Sunlight, but it was. Their sound is fairly unique, which is certainly a plus. The music is aggressive Deathrash - fast and harsh. Vocally screamy, with a raw edge. Cool.

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Comecon - Megatrends in Brutality

Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010

L-G Petrov sang for this band while he was out of the mighty Entombed, and I guess he thought it would be cool if Comecon’s logo looked as much like Entombed’s as possible. Comecon also recorded at Sunlight, so the bands have a similar sound, although not too similar. I wonder what will happen to this band now that L-G is back in Entombed? And while I’m wondering, I wonder who wrote the lyrics? They range from brief moments of greatness to utter shit. I hope if it was L-G, that he was saving his best lyrics for his return to Entombed.

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Coma - Cryogenic Torments

Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010

The recording is bad and the level is too low. The sound quality is not good at all. And even with all that against it, this demo still kills. I would really like to hear what these guys could do in a quality studio, and more original lyrics couldn’t hurt.

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Cold Steel - Freak Boy

Posted on Friday, October 01, 2010

Puke all over
Shitty bands who
Useless, lame, boring
Records. Hail

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Clutch - Passive Restraints

Posted on Friday, October 01, 2010

Three songs of aggressive, Helmet style, uhh, Metal, I guess. Really not too bad, but certainly not too different from what Hardcore did all those years ago. So for as new as some people might think this sound is, it’s actually fairly dated. Of course, that doesn’t make it bad. I only want everyone to understand that these guys are no trend setters.

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Cianide - The Dying Truth

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Heavy, Doom-laden riffs. Completely raw (I mean it!) vocals. This album is a (mostly) slow Death showpiece. But for some reason, I still like the track “Funeral” the best (it’s an old track). The production is kinda weird: the drums are a little loud, but that’s not such a major concern. Oh yeah, the Slaughter they credit for inspiration is the original Death Metal band from Canada. If you didn’t know that, where have you been? Anyway, this is cool, so check it out.

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Cenotaph (Mexico) - The Gloomy Reflections of Our Hidden Sorrow

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amazing. I’m always impressed when I hear something a little different, and Cenotaph certainly qualify. They combine pretty extreme brutality with atmospheric elements and even great lyrics. The production is also unique: Somewhat raw, but in the good way. Check this out.

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Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Recorded at Sunlight and has the occasional eerie keyboard part. This is certainly not the most original sound (although they sound almost nothing like Entombed/ Dismember/ Carnage), but who cares? It’s great! Brutal Death Metal, in case you couldn’t figure it out. Extremely impressive debut. I really have nothing negative to say. Keep up the good work guys! Favorite tracks: “Scars” and “Nightmare Lake.”

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Celtic Frost - Parched with Thirst Am I… and Dying

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

How many of you were big Frost fans until Cold Lake? I too was shocked with hearing that tape. After that came Vanity/Nemesis, which was a valiant effort to help Celtic Frost, but it wasn’t enough. So now here comes a greatest hits, sort of. It does contain great songs like “The Usurper” and “Circle of the Tyrants,” but it also has “Cherry Orchards.” What the fuck is that?!? In no way should that be on a Celtic Frost greatest hits album. That song should be inducted into the Celtic Frost hall of shame. Frost was, once, one of the best bands around, but those days are over good people. Great, now I’m depressed. I think I’ll go listen to Morbid Tales a few thousand times.

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