Brutal Mastication - Brutal Mastication

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

Four songs of intense Deathrash, recorded at Morrisound. This is a very high quality release, but while very good at this style, they really don’t offer anything new or original. That’s totally all they need, and it would elevate them from good to excellent.

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Brujeria - Matando Gueros

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010

Imagine a Mexican, drug lord version of Deicide. These guys are real murders and drug runners from Mexico (or possibly just some dudes from Fear Factory, Faith No More, and other bands.). All bullshit aside, this is a pretty intense release, but all the lyrics are in Spanish, and I’ll bet they’re really funny. Can anyone translate them for me?

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Broken Hope - The Bowels of Repugnance

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not at all the intro I was expecting: It’s an eerie acoustic guitar/violin instrumental. After that, this goes immediately into exactly what I was expecting. Almost. The lyrics are still sick as shit, but in a less cartoony way than on Swamped in Gore. So that’s better, but I had a hard time following the lyrics even with them in front of me. Musically this is also superior to their debut, the speed is varied from fairly slow to blast. Ignore the lyrics if you must, but this is worth getting.

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Broken Hope - Hobo Stew

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

If this is any indication of what their new album will sound like (turns out it was), then it’s obvious that Metal Blade made the right choice in signing them. For a 7-inch, this sounds great. And the songs are noticeably improved from those on Swamped in Gore. I would have liked to check out the lyrics, and see if they are weak as on their debut, but they were not included. Apparently all three of these songs will be on their next album, so while this is cool for completists (and it is on translucent green vinyl), I’m sure this will sound way better when on CD, and I would probably wait for that [The CD versions do sound better. -Editor].

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Brain Police - Unlucky

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Very heavy, mechanical sounding slabs of pain. I think fans of both Death and Industrial would appreciate this, I know I do.

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Body Bag - Spread the Violence

Posted on Monday, September 13, 2010

This tape is simply one of the most violent, aggressive, and brutal creations ever brought forth on this earth. The drummer is Aaron Nickeas (ex: Master, Abomination, and Experiment), which explains the sheer force of the drums. The songs structure reminds me of Dismember and the vocals are like a good Deicide. This tape blows away anything Deicide has ever done, and it ripped my fuckin’ face off! This is a must.

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Bloody Mess & The Skabs - Empty

Posted on Saturday, September 11, 2010

You certainly know about the poster that comes with this 7-inch, which was drawn by Kenneth Bianchi (The Hillside Strangler), so I won’t mention it. These five songs are a bit slower, and less frantic than I expected. Well, Bloody always does like to throw me a curve. I like “Gay Party Favorite” the best, but the others are pretty great, too. The Skabs’ Punk sound is probably too pure for most, but not me. I think Bloody may just be a genius - or insane. What the fuck ever you guys call it out there.

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Bloody Mary - Blood Core

Posted on Saturday, September 11, 2010

A little heavier than their fucking awesome Bitch Needs Psychotherapy demo, this is the best thing Bloody have ever done. Still just as memorable as ever, but more intense. This is just amazing. Perhaps a little of the groove was lost, but not much - and it’s been replaced by the increased Hardcore (Bloodcore, I mean) element which nuclear powers this Thrash onslaught. You will submit to the Core of Blood.

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Blood of Christ - Blood of Christ

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

This two song demo is musically and vocally very cool. A mix of Death and Black Metal (nothing new there, but they do a good job of it). However, the production is bad and the level is way too low. I usually don’t care about production and recording quality on a demo unless it’s either really bad or great. With a good studio (or maybe an engineer or whatever), BoC would be unstoppable. As it is, they are still an evil force.

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