Dungeon - No Ends Meet

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

Well, these guys are trying. Trying to be heavy, trying to write good lyrics. I hate to do this, but for the most part, it’s simply not there. They can write interesting songs, but the vocals sometimes ruin them. In the first song, much of the lyrics are sort of spoken over the music, which, at least in this case, sounds horrible. Vocally the second track is great. The vocals are mostly low register, and covered in mucous, but the lyrics are no good. By the next track, the music is not as heavy, and someone else must be doing the vocals, as they are now utterly different, and not very interesting (at best). What this band should do is just pick out all the really best parts from these songs, get the good singer (from song #2) to do all the vocals, and work on the lyrics. Then they will be the “riff heavy and vocal pounding music” they currently claim to be.

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Drogheda - Drogheda

Posted on Monday, December 06, 2010

Ahh, a little drum machine powered Death Metal. You know I’ve got to like that. Well, these guys are the “Lords of Chaos” all right. I thought the entire first song was some sort of intro, and the actual song would begin any second now, and I guess in some ways that is correct, as the second track, the aforementioned “Lords of Chaos,” is more song-like. Actually sorta fast, really. They kind of Grind in some places. All the songs are pretty different, some fast as hell, some very slow, but not all their ideas really work that well. However, most of them do. Honestly, all this band needs is a little time to figure out what works for them and what doesn’t. Or maybe to ignore any advice and do their own thing.

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Downset - Anger/Ritual

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

Side one of this blue vinyl disc is a vicious Hardcore attack, which I think may have been what Ice-T was trying for with Body Count. The sound is beyond belief. This is what quality vinyl sounds like. Side two is a spoken work discussion about rape and the American society set on top of a song, something like Dead Kennedys’ “Kinky Sex Makes the World Go ‘Round.” I’d not heard Downset before, but I think I’d better correct that. Hey, you get a free sticker, too.

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Downright Malice - Criminally Insane

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

This five-song Thrash attack is made really special by the excellent vocals of Cliff, who is emotional and powerful, and never sounds wimpy, as some Thrash singers can. The musicianship is very high, and the songs are all memorable. The production is even good, and they go that extra step and write all-new riffs, which means that, no, the title track is not a Slayer cover.

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Doomstone - Rosemary’s Baby

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

A little old-style Black Death, anyone? How about 2 live songs on side two? I found their Those Whom Satan Hath Joined album to drag on a bit, but this seemed more intense. The live tracks even sound pretty good, the vinyl is translucent green, and the intro sample will be worth the price by itself.

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Doodskist Bloesem - Follow

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

I hope I have the name of the band correct. All I had to go by was the logo, and it’s pretty hard to really be sure what the first and fourth letters are supposed to be. On with the review. These are slow, minimalistic tracks from the same demented mind who has brought us Dawn, Moon Toadstools, Bloody Zombie Ritual, Boer Knol, Fictionizer, Kryptopterus, Schadelfahne, Witchcraft Vulture, and of course Steinbock. It’s really a lot more calm, due to the lack of speed, yet is still unnerving enough to know that it’s Steinbock.

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Dominus (Denmark) - View to the Dim

Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010

After the two-and-a-half-minute Ambient intro, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the rest of the disc. One second into the second track, I was pummeled by an unrelenting Death Metal strike. The music: Tight, precise -even memorable- but with the menace of a chainsaw. The vocals: Bleak, raw, and demonic - in a word, excellent.

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Dokken - Dokken

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2010

I don’t remember that much of their previous LPs, although I guess I must have heard a song or two over the years. This is standard radio-friendly shit, but the musicianship is really good. The vocals are laughable, though. I suggest dumping Mr. Dork-ken, and going all instrumental. They could pull it off.

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Disgrace (California - USA) - Machine

Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Although the production is excellent, the songs are boring. The second track on side one, “Dead Kids,” is perhaps the worst offender. Uninteresting riffs, executed with little emotion. The vocals would be okay if only Ryan sounded like he meant them, rather than reading them off cue cards. Keep trying.

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