Judas Iscariot - Thy Dying Light

Posted on Tuesday, July 05, 2011

This one-man project defies all that is good and christian-like. Dark, atmospheric power and some equally “death meets darkness” vocals are what drives the fury behind the message. And the music, according to the bio, is supposed to, “…help inspire the masses to revolt and reign victorious in the name of darkness!” A common goal among most who, “…recognize christianity as one of the biggest causes of embarrassment and shame for the human race.” The music is nothing compared to a few of the lyrics I was able to understand.

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Immolation - Here in After

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011

Musically, the action here is in the tradition of early-to-mid-period Morbid Angel, and that’s my kind of action for sure. The dynamics are patterned in a classic fashion as well: come in like gangbusters, and then continue like gangbusters. The fury that these guys kick up is a pleasure to wallow in. Particularly head-melting is the transition from the second track, “Burn with Jesus,” into the third, title track; there’s no silence between the songs, so you have to look at your CD player to see that 2 change to a 3. It gives the impression that the album is just one epic track that never lets up. The lyrics are pretty run-of-the-mill “Christians are retards,” but it must have taken forever to compose the 666 riffs on here, so maybe the words were not top priority anyway.

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Helloween - High Live

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2011

The majority of the tracks on this are from the band’s excellent The Time of the Oath, and that’s fine, but I would have really loved to have heard some of their earlier material. Sadly, there is nothing representing Walls of Jericho or before. I would have killed to hear “Victim of Fate,” or “Phantoms of Death.” Anyway, these true Power Metal (not to be confused with what is wrongly called Power Metal by former big-hair bootie-boys) geezers prove that they are still contenders, and I have long since forgiven them for the aberration of Chameleon and Pink Bubbles Go Ape. I wholeheartedly recommend this 2-disc set.

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Hypocrisy - Abducted

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2011

Bands like this are hard to find. This band has put out four full-length albums, and never once have they even attempted to suck cock. They were masters of the fast, brutal Death style, masters of the harsh Black/Death style, and now they have completely mastered slow and emotional Doom. This new CD merely combines all three into the best Hypocrisy effort yet. An outstanding record with the best production I’ve ever heard, courtesy of The Abyss (lead vocalist/guitarist Peter Tagtgren’s recording studio). Unbelievable! Blow a fat choad all over this one Death freaks!

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Grave - Hating Life

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Well, I realize that the Grave line up has been cut down to two now, but it’s my opinion that they could have at least changed their name for this album, because it’s simply not the same Grave that recorded Into the Grave five years ago. I’m starting to notice hints of Power Metal, which is never good. However, this is probably the most worthwhile Grave since their debut. Mixed feelings on this one. See for yourself.

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Gorefest - Soul Survivor

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

I remember years ago when I first got into Death Metal; I was young, my mind was open and bands like Gorefest put a sense of fear and respect in my blood. Hearing this new LP fills me with plain disgust. Gorefest’s first two albums were excellent, their third wasn’t totally solid, but it was definitely more than tolerable. This new shit sounds like a Zakk Wylde side project. Who are these lavender boys hoping to impress with this weak shit? Do they think that by spaying and neutering themselves an MTV executive will go, “Oh, you guys rule now that you’re gay, here’s some cash!” I’m stumped.

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Godflesh - Songs of Love and Hate

Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

A few years ago, these guys sort of lost their way, but as of their Merciless EP and the follow-up LP, Selfless, they were back on target. I’m very pleased to say that this new album is at least as crushing as those I have mentioned, and is still fairly experimental in some ways. These are interesting compositions, and are helped by one of the best productions I’ve heard for awhile, especially the bass tone. It’s good to hear Godflesh delivering the bads again.

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Kataklysm - Temple of Knowledge

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fans of this band’s earlier Death/Grind will not be disappointed. There has been no wimping out. In fact there has been very little change at all, and a little growth is sometimes necessary to keep things interesting. So, although not in any way a bad release, this seems a bit stagnated.

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Girnu Giesmes - Kerai

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

A weird Industrial/Electronic construction. A lot of different stuff is tried here (synth orchestras, odd layered rhythms, unusual instrumentation, and so on.), but not much of it holds any interest for me. Perhaps it’s too experimental for my tastes.

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