Lividity - Rejoice in Morbidity

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Do you like your Metal to be brutal? Do you like it to be unrelentingly intense? Do you like vocals so raw that when you hear them, your throat bleeds? Then look no further. Lividity is 100% pure Death. No Doom, no Grind, no Black, no unnecessary extras - only Death remains. And any band who understands the genius of Dr. Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lector deserves your support.

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Krabathor - Mortal Memories

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Every now and then I look back at my reviews and I wonder what kind of crack I was smoking when I wrote them. Case in point: Krabathor’s Lies LP. It was reviewed in Metal Curse #9, and received an 8.5. I’d like to take this opportunity to revise that rating to 9.75, although I’m sure it’s too late to do much good. That fucker just keeps getting better and better with every listen, and it has spent a lot of time in my player. Now, with that out of the way, I am faced with this deadly EP. It contains three cuts from their 1988 demos (rerecorded), two new pieces of pure Death Metal, and the CD version has a CD-ROM video track for “Unnecessarity,” from the above mentioned Lies album. Seek this out at all costs. Krabathor is one of the very best pure Death Metal bands to exist.

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Ingrowing - Perverted Look at the World

Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This band plays some of the most aggressive Death/Grind I’ve heard, but thanks to their supreme riffs, drumming and vocals, it’s also fairly easy to remember. This combination of brutality with “catchiness” is actually less uncommon than it once was, but it’s always cool to hear.

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Meat Shits - Vicious Act of Machismo

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Even though the first track is noted as being the “Woman-Hater-Dub-Mix” of “Tenebrae,” I was completely unprepared for the synths and Dance beat. Stunned, I lasted through the song, which blended the aforementioned synth/Dance style with the Sshits’ patented Brown Metal, and was equally stunned to discover the next song (the “Argento-Dub-Mix” of the first track) had the same blend of Dance and Brown Metal. The third song, “Violence Against Feminist Cunts,” saw things get back to what passes for normal around Modesto, although the synths were still present and continued to linger around the edges of this album until the end. Robert has really perfected the new direction of the Meat Shits with these (mostly) longer songs - only 26 on this release! This self-proclaimed Brown Metal is super heavy, for once contains a wide range of tempos, has become memorable (seriously), and Robert Deathrage has emerged as not only a first-rate vocalist (in the proud Death Metal tradition), but also an excellent producer.

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Meat Shits - The Second Degree of Torture

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

While this sounds as if it might have been recorded at the same time as the Vicious Act of Machismo album, since it exactly duplicates it’s excellent production, it is in some ways a throwback to the days of shorter, faster songs. And while there are “only” 38 tracks on this, the majority of them are concise blasts of lust or hate. I find myself liking the newer “Brown Metal” style of somewhat longer, more complex songs better, but perhaps that’s why these two albums have come out so close to each other - then all fans of the Meat Shits will be pleased, and all their detractors will have plenty to bitch about.

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Macabre Omen - Olympus

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two tracks of majestic, atmospheric Grecian Black Metal. The playing and writing are superb, but the production is a bit fuzzy, although that really sort of adds to the eerie, mystical feeling, so I guess it’s a plus this time.

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Malicious Hate - In the Name of Hate

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

Okay, here’s the poop: the Malicious Hate tracks on here are blistering, intense Death/Grind. If you’re weak, they’ll kill you, fuck your corpse, and eat the remains. When I say intense, I am not bullshitting. These fucking freaks have been known to play (Scum era) Napalm Death covers at twice their normal speed just for the fuck of it. And the vocals, you ask? Duke’s style ranges from screams of unmitigated agony, to deep growls of insane horror. In other words, it’s as brutal as the music. This is a masterful work of inhumanity and severity. Then, about ten minutes of dead air after the last MH song, the “hidden” bonus tracks start up. They’re mostly pretty fucking bizarre Noise constructions., although there is some other stuff, too. For a more complete run-down on these tracks, check out the Malicious Hate interview in Metal Curse #10. Suffice to say that I like this kind of stuff, so it was a real plus for me.

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Malevolent Creation - Joe Black

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

The first three, new, songs are pretty cool, although not quite up to the extremely high standard of Eternal. The next three are Dance remixes of songs from their last LP. I’m not kidding. They’re only good if you need a laugh. I think that this type of remix is not necessarily worthless, but these are extremely inept examples of the style. Next we have an excellent demo version of “Genetic Affliction” that is easily the high point of the disc. This is followed by a really limp-wristed cover of “Raining Blood.” Brett’s vocals are amazingly weak on this track. I had to check to make sure it was really him. Finally, there are two cuts from the band’s awesome 1990 demo, recorded before Brett decided to apparently ruin his voice by “going Death.” I really would have much preferred the Dance remixes and pathetic attempt at a Slayer cover be removed in favor of some live tracks and the third song from the ‘90 demo. I guess you can’t win them all.

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Malevolent Creation - Eternal

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

This band has been through some changes in the last year or so, and I was, well, a little worried about how this album would sound. But other than the occasional lapses into stupidly distorted vocals, as in part of “To Kill” (which is really disappointing, since otherwise the vox are great), this is amazing Death Metal. And sometimes pretty damn fast, too. Probably their best since the classic The Ten Commandments.

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