Bleed (Wisconsin - USA) - Womb

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

No relation to the Bleed in the above review [for 1993’s So It Mote Be by the Bleed that recorded on the USS Kitty Hawk -Editor]. Very well produced and tight Death Metal. You hardly notice the drum machine, and I actually think it fits right in. Everything is amazingly precise. Get this, it’s excellent, and it’s available on CD too!

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Bleed (USS Kitty Hawk - USA) - So It Mote Be

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

The first song is a strange instrumental. The remaining are sorta speedy Deathrash. Many weird things happen musically, and the vocals are also interesting; sometimes trading off between the left and right channels. The recording and production are both kinda bad, but the songs are cool. Given their current situation (somewhere at sea on the USS Kitty Hawk), this is probably the best sound possible, but a real studio would really help.

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Blatherskite - 40 Daze and 40 Nights

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

I was told these guys aren’t really Death Metal. Well it’s a pretty close approximation, although occasionally the vocals wander away from the standard Death vomit into a Punk-like scream or a more Rap-esque chant. Sometimes the music changes style, too, but usually that’s also pretty Deathly. Actually, these guys remind me of a less memorable (and less sick) Pungent Stench - sorta.

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Blasphemy - Gods of War

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

I remember not liking these guys, but after hearing this album, I can’t imagine why. This is certainly brutal and heavy, and although the production isn’t too awesome, it’s acceptable - and I’m sure this is supposed to be raw. Mostly the music is fast, and the vocals are completely rancid. I think you can figure out what the lyrics are about.

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Black Market Flowers - Bind

Posted on Thursday, September 09, 2010

This album is about 65 minutes long, and my copy at least, has two bonus tracks that are not listed anywhere, the last of which consists of the guys making noises and splashing water. Umm, I hate this. It is derivative of everything Grungy, and I don’t even like the originators in that style, much less the half-assed followers.

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Best Kissers in the World - Puddin’

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

Sometimes I’m sent stuff to review which is pretty far away from what I normally listen to. This is one of those times. I would have never listened to this band had I not gotten this tape to review, and I guess I would have missed out. I suppose they are what is known as Hard Alternative, and that’s pretty accurate, but occasionally they throw in a little Thrash drum beat. And always they have a lot of energy. Not one of my favorite bands of all time, but better than I expected.

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Bereavement - Our Hollow Death

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

A lot of the fault with this demo is in the production, which has the drums a lot louder than anything else, and utterly buries the vocals. I think they should concentrate on the slower stuff, which seems to be what they do best, and maybe throw in a lyric sheet next time, since I’m interested in that sort of thing.

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Benediction - Transcend the Rubicon

Posted on Monday, September 06, 2010

After their last album and EP [1991’s The Grand Leveller and 1992’s Dark Is the Season -Editor], this is kind of a disappointment. I was expecting this album to be the best thing I’d ever heard. It is good, though, and has that Benediction sound: heavy, intense, fast, and brutal. Easily worth your money.

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Believer - Dimensions

Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010

Interesting, and somewhat experimental Deathrash, with very pro-“God” lyrics. However, the lyrics are well done and for once don’t sound preachy. Musically, this really stands out, and even if you don’t agree with the lyrics, it’s worth a listen.

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