Flotsam and Jetsam - Cuatro

Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2011

Aren’t all your favorite bands doing the big “sellout”? What about Flotsam and Jetsam? They put out that nasty When the Storm Comes Down album a while back. They also did two kick-ass albums (Doomsday… and …Disgrace). So now they come back with a new album and yet another bassist: Jason B. Ward. A lot of people are going to cry “sellout” when they hear this, but not me. I like it. I know it’s not as fast or memorable as their first two, but this is still good. Eric A.K.’s voice is better than ever. No sellout.

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Fear Factory - Soul of a New Machine

Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011

Wow! This is a completely impressive combination of Industrial and Death Metal. The vocals range from Solitude Aeturnus to Suffocation, all in one song. The drums are especially cool. Raymond Herrera is the fucking drum god. He sounds as precise as a machine. All 17 songs are memorable as well as brutal. Totally great debut from an innovative band. Favorite song: “Leechmaster.”

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Explicit Fate - Explicit Fate

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

This band tries to cover a lot of ground musically and vocally, but ends up just sounding lost. Focus, guys. There’s nothing wrong with Thrash at all, I love it, but this is all over the place and goes nowhere.

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Exoto - The Fifth Season

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

From the first second, I knew that this was going to be special. The Fifth Season is one of the best demos I’ve ever heard. They aren’t afraid to experiment, and they find only total success. Generally, this is pretty speedy Death Metal, but there is so much more than that going on, it makes it very difficult to say what their sound is, exactly. Newer Pestilence comes to mind, but with some [early!] Atrocity added to boost the brutality. And then there are the really different parts. And the songs are pretty memorable, too. Somebody sign these guys.

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Exhumed - Dissecting the Caseated Omentum

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Here is a brutal Death Metal band which sounds like a cross between Suffocation and Carcass. They are very gruesome and the songs have sick titles like “Oozing Rectal Feast.” They have two singers, one has a deep voice and the other has a raspy growl. All and all, this is a really groovy demo and I think you should check it out.

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Exhibit-A - Disguised They Rise

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The sound on these three songs is something like a Thrashier Scatterbrain, which is okay with me, I guess. Since recording this demo this band changed its name to Mass Exhibit, I don’t know if their sound changed as well.

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Exempt - Ill Health

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Heavier production, and better, more original and brutal, songwriting allow this demo to far surpass Wake Up. Even the already excellent vocals are better. This really shows what these guys are capable of, and should get them signed. Very impressive.

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Excruciating Pain - Thou Shall Choose

Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pretty straight forward Death Metal. Not bad, but not exactly great or original. The songs are decent, but I think that perhaps with a little more time to develop, Excruciating Pain can produce better material. I notice a lot of cool elements -enough to make me want to hear more form these guys.

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Eternal Torment - Eternal Torment

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

Really fast, pretty heavy Death Metal. Not a lot that’s new going on here, but this is certainly brutal, although by now I’ve heard all these riffs about ten billion times from all the other bands that use them. But I’m being too hard on ET, this is actually a good, if fairly standard, demo.

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