The Abyss - Summon the Beast

Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why do so many Black Metal LPs hover around 30 minutes? This one is just under a half hour, but I have the feeling that they still charge full price for it. Enough of my complaints. For those familiar with the band’s first album, The Other Side, this is faster, and more intense. In fact, Summon the Beast is so unlike Hypocrisy that I can hardly believe that The Abyss is made up of that band’s members. Well, the stellar Abyss Studios production is a clue, but a lot of (smart) bands record there. You couldn’t hope for a more fast and furious style of Black Metal, but you might hope for more of this album. As good as The Abyss is, I am having difficulty in recommending that anyone spend their hard-earned cash on such a short release. But as far as the music alone is concerned, this is hard to beat.

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