Putridity - Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2011

I usually don’t bat an eye when I read something advertised as “the most brutal Death Metal album of the year” anymore, because you see that promised with such frequency these days. However, Italy’s Putridity back up Willowtip’s claim with unapologetic force on their second “full length” album. No gay intro necessary, you hit play and are instantly pulverized by machine gun snare hits, jackhammer double bass, a hail storm of pinch harmonics, downtuned buzzsaw guitars, rumbling bass sewage, and guttural vocals so over-the-top that a lyric sheet wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Hell. The songs are completely indecipherable. I honestly don’t know how the band even tells them apart. Only the pauses in between songs alert you that the tracks have changed. So, you can throw memorability out the window, but this is one of those rare albums that can be appreciated for its sheer, inhuman brutality alone. This 24-minute, swarming, rabid flow of dizzying truculence is like a warm, fuzzy, electric blanket that comforts and soothes the cold and weary Death Metal fiend. Once the album comes to its abrupt end, it immediately leaves a void that can only be filled with more insanely brutal Death Metal. Now where the fuck is my copy of that new Defeated Sanity?

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