Puteraeon - Cult Cthulhu

Posted on Thursday, February 07, 2013

In marketing, we refer to an album like this as an easy sale. Why is it an easy sale? Because it has everything that you could want in one package. Old-school Swedish Death Metal with lyrics about Cthulhu? It practically sells itself. I was sold at “Cthulhu.” Cthulhu makes everything cooler just because he is that fucking awesome. I would stop saying that the Twilight movies/books/everything are gay, if at the very end of the saga, Cthulhu rises from the depths and devours everyone in an orgy of blood, violence, tentacles and insanity. That is the level of awesomeness that Cthulhu has. If he can’t save your album, you really, really, really fucking suck. Puteraeon doesn’t have a problem with sucking. If you worship at the altar of Dismember, old Entombed, Grotesque, Carnage and Unleashed, you’ll like this record. Cult Cthulhu is like a more melodic version of Like an Ever Flowing Stream. It has the dark, brutal atmosphere and punishing riffs down pat. Is it horribly original? You could’ve told me that this album was a lost studio recording of Dismember that had been sitting in a storage room at Sunlight Studios since 1990 and I would’ve believed it. This definitely has that old Sunlight Studios sound. While originality isn’t their strong point, the amount of brutality and ass-kicking on this album puts Puteraeon over the top in my book. The Cthulhu stuff is a bonus.

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