Pathology - Awaken to the Suffering

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I was equally as disappointed to learn that vocalist Matti Way (ex-Disgorge) was no longer in this band as I was pleasantly surprised discovering his replacement was none other than Jonathan Huber, the ex-frontman for granite-heavy Deathcore merchants I Declare War. He is a more than suitable replacement and that becomes evident from the get-go, as leadoff cut “Dissected by Righteousness” features vokills so ridiculously guttural they often resemble stomach farts. You know, when you hold a fart in too long and your stomach reacts with some kind of inverted, gaseous bubbling? I think George Carlin called it, “bor-bor-rig-me.” This Cali Death troupe have come a long way from their humble beginnings, as the music on their earliest releases sounded like stomach farts as well. Core founding members Dave Astor and Tim Tiszczenko write real riffs now and pretty damn good ones at that. With a new vocalist comes new lyrical focus, as the subject matter has switched from anti-religion, conspiracy theories, aliens and whatever the fuck Matti was talking about on Legacy of the Ancients, to a more environmentally aware, save-the-Earth, humanity-is-shit outlook via Huber. As if you could tell what either of these sick fuckers is saying anyway. This is a ferociously brutal album that proudly features actual songwriting skill and otherworldly guttural lung abuse. And that’s all it needs to be to get the job done.

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