Nuclear - Jehovirus

Posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Nuclear guys seem really cool, and I wanted to like this more than I do, but when I’m in the mood to listen to some Thrash (which is not that often anymore), I turn to the ancient masters. Maybe that’s only because there isn’t much new Thrash that’s worth a shit to choose from. Jehovirus, the Chilean band’s third studio album since forming in 1997, is a solid addition to the Thrash list, and is very well recorded and produced. However, something holds it back. It feels almost restrained at times. This blend of Euro (German, really: Kreator, Destruction) Thrash, with a hint of harsher US styles (Slayer and maybe the absolutely most extreme moments of Exodus and Testament), is energetic enough, but the occasional use of what might be considered “generic” Thrash riffs is frustrating, because many of the others immediately grab the listener’s attention. Matias’s aggressive vocals help, and at the most intense moments show considerable promise. The slower, more atmospheric, parts of the songs, such as the beginning of “Belligerence,” “World Depletion,” and its follow-up, “On Killing” (maybe my favorite track here, or the Slayerish “Criminal Solicitation”), work best. Nuclear is a talented group, no question, and I’m looking forward to hearing how they progress.

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