Mourning Beloveth - Formless

Posted on Friday, August 30, 2013

It’s been a while since I’ve heard from Ireland’s Mourning Beloveth, and it isn’t for the lack of trying. I only own two previous releases by this band, the 2001 debut LP, Dust, and its follow-up, The Sullen Sulcus. There have been two other full-length LPs since then, A Murderous Circus (2005) and A Disease for the Ages (2008). They also have a trio of split releases out there, too. Considering how good these guys are, I’m surprised they aren’t on a bigger label. I’d actually like that because their records are kind of hard to find unless you like downloading MP3 files from iTunes or Amazon. Frankly, Mourning Beloveth is as dark and heavy as you’re going to get when it comes to guitar-based Doom/Death Metal. Imagine My Dying Bride or Eye of Solitude, but without keyboards or violins. These guys squeeze a lot of atmosphere and heaviness out of their basic instrumentation. Using varying vocal styles (ranging from the brutal Death Growl to clean) and slow but melodic riffing, Mourning Beloveth has managed to capture an air of anguish and despair that flows throughout the entirety of the first of the two CDs that make up this album. The second disc only contains one track, “Transmissions,” which stands out as an oddball because it is mostly acoustic guitar and vocals. It still has a dark and ominous atmosphere, but it contrasts sharply with the other songs. I consider it to be an outro or a bonus track. It keeps this from perfection because it breaks up the flow of the album, but I don’t consider it a serious detraction. The other five tracks are more than enough to highly recommend this LP if you’re a serious Doom/Death Metal fan.

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