Mayhem - US Legions

Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2011

Recorded at several (unlisted) places around the world during 2000, and featuring songs from their entire career, this live CD is a lot easier to listen to than Grand Declaration of War, and they even play “Chainsaw Gutsfuck” and “Pure Fucking Armageddon.” It’s almost worth the price just to hear Hellhammer beat the drums as fast and precisely as he does. Maniac’s between-song comments are often entertaining, as well, but not usually for the right reasons. You’d think he might try to sound more “evil” or something, but that’s just not the case at all. Still, his vocals are suitably sick, and that’s the really important part. There’s a funny bit before the last live song, where some dickweed who must work for whatever venue they were playing, gets on the mic and tries to lead the crowd in a “Mayhem! Mayhem!” chant to bring them back out for the encore, but he sounds completely uninterested, and I’m not sure the crowd responded at all. The band returns anyway, to play “Necrolust.” After that, we’ve got five “pre-production” studio versions of songs from Grand Declaration of War, which remove some of the Electronic/Industrial lameness, but are still a far cry from really being any good. I am glad to see that at least the band, or someone, realized that Mayhem should not be Marilyn Manson. Maybe this means that their next studio album won’t suck ass. We will see.

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