Malicious Onslaught - Thrashed Black

Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Malicious Onslaught is simply not for me. They sound like they are doing a million things at once, in other words: they sound sloppy. Ted Hanauer’s vocals are annoying. The songs are too long, but might hold my interest if they were shorter. Much shorter. Perhaps it’s just the recording quality, but I don’t think so. The songs are non-memorable and easily forgotten. This band does have a somewhat different sound. I’ve heard worse, but I liked it better.

{MO would improve with every release, and eventually put out a pair of pretty good Black/Death Metal albums (Rebellious Mayhem and Brutal Gore).}

[Notes in {curly brackets} are from the Metal Curse 1 - 4 Collected Edition (1999)]

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