Kvlt of Hiob - Thy Kingly Mask

Posted on Thursday, December 06, 2012

This is the debut album from Germany’s Kvlt of Hiob and I have to say that I don’t recall ever hearing anything quite like this. It’s very unique sounding to say the least. Imagine a Black Metal band that is one part Celtic Frost, one part Darkthrone, one part old Abruptum (the Torture Ambient era that featured It and All, not the more modern “Militant Industrial” stuff with Morgan from Marduk), and one part Dark Ambient/Industrial. This shit is absolutely fucking insane sounding. The atmosphere on this record is genuinely creepy and dark. I’ve heard literally thousands of Black Metal albums, but it’s rare to hear one that genuinely sounds twisted and evil like Thy Kingly Mask does. The music is harrowing enough, but the vocals sound like someone being tortured into insanity (hence the reference to Abruptum). The two elements together are like the Satanic equivalent of chocolate and peanut butter - the combination is greater than the sum of its parts. Alone, both the music and the vocals are evil. The two together are the soundtrack to a descent into Hell.

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