Ithuriel - The Touch of Ithuriel’s Spear

Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I don’t have much information on this band. Like most groups that are on, their webpage is fairly sparse. I know that they are from The Netherlands and that there are three members (HTM, SS and MDJ). There isn’t much else about them. Their music is kind of chaotic and jumbled together in a ball of sound that is part Beherit, part Blasphemy and a bit like the improvised style of Bestial Summoning but with keyboards added to the cacophony. It’s very hard to get a handle on where these guys are going because it almost sounds like they don’t know where they’re going with this, either. They do, however, know how to put together some seriously dark and twisted music. The “massive ball of sound” production on this LP is part of the reason it’s so fucked up and evil. Everything blends together in a seething mass of dissonant keyboards, pounding drums, raspy vocals and “a chainsaw with little or no bass” guitars. Face it, this isn’t the new Stratovarius album. You aren’t going to get awesome sound and technical prowess from Ithuriel. What you’re going to get is some insanely chaotic Black Metal that will appeal to fans of The Oath of Black Blood-era Beherit in particular. Though I tend to like my music to be a bit more structured, The Touch of Ithuriel’s Spear was an album that I found very interesting. Like old Beherit, what the band lacks in technical ability, they more than make up for in dark atmosphere.

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