Gigan - Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes

Posted on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just the worst kind of piece of shit Death/Grind you could possibly imagine. Beyond fucking horrible. Pure fucking garbage. Noise on top of noise on top of overly technical slop on top of pure fucking shit. Zero entertainment value. None. No songs. No riffs. Zilch. Zip. Just noises and substandard growling. Guitar acrobatics and blast beats designed solely to impress other virgins. 40,000 notes per second for 45 agonizing minutes. Anti-memorable, anti-song, anti-entertainment entertainers. Fuck the audience, watch how many notes I can play. They won’t be able to tell if we fuck up because nothing we write is decipherable anyway. Look at my ridiculously unkempt beard. Gibberish. Pure mindless shit. Horrible fucking anti-music. No ideas. No musical value whatsoever. If all Death/Grind sounded like this, I would listen to nothing but Rap and Country exclusively. This band makes me ashamed to love Extreme Metal and to wear a beard. They have a song called, “Transmogrification into Bio-Luminoid.” Nice try, but I don’t believe you are intelligent. If you were intelligent, you could write a riff. Maybe even a song. If you were intelligent, your beards would look more presentable. Horrible garbage. Or as the band would put it, lurid offscouring. You live with your parents. Break up and kill yourselves. Pure shit. Pure virgins.

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mordents1 said:

I take it you didn’t like the album. I agree with the OTT assessment of these grind bands. Write a damn song for goodness sakes. Don’t understand how a band can go into a rehearsal room and actually “practice” the songs. But hey, at least they have unkempt beards. raspberryPPP

Posted on Saturday, October 15, 2011 - 03:30:45 PM

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