Dusk (Hungary) - The Shadowsoul

Posted on Friday, December 10, 2010

This sounds a lot like Burzum. In fact, I’m tempted to say that this has so much of a Burzum influence that Varg should be getting a royalty check in the mail. Musically, vocally and stylistically, this has “I listen to old Burzum all day long, every day of the fucking year” written all over it. I’m pretty sure that everybody’s favorite Norwegian prison resident is probably pretty flattered by the fact that someone would go out of their way to ape his music. Personally, if I wanted to listen to Burzum, I have all of Varg’s albums and it’s not like they’re out of print. In a nutshell, Shadow, the sole member of Dusk, has managed to create an album’s worth of music that blatantly sounds like the first album and Aske EP that Burzum released a decade ago. It has a slightly different production, but you can tell exactly where this album is coming from right away. Well played or not, this is nothing new or different.

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