Drawn and Quartered - Return of the Black Death

Posted on Saturday, December 04, 2010

This band had already participated in the act of creating some of the most ferociously heavy Death Metal known to man or beast, but on this, their third full length album, Drawn and Quartered have achieved complete perfection. Their demonically brutal sound has descended to the cavernous depths reserved only for legends like Morbid Angel, Immolation, Vital Remains, and Blood Ritual. This album simply has no flaws. It flows with sadistic emotion, from its hyper-speed adrenaline surges to the moments of diabolical crawl. Each song is a weapon, with a deep vocal attack in league with Ross Dolan. The riff writing and song structuring have just been honed to a razor-sharp tee, reminding this elated Death Metal buff of the sheer entertainment value of music that sounds authentically evil. Someone who tells you that Death Metal’s glory days are over should be played this album, then shot.

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