Defilement - Revel in Madness

Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2011

While listening to this, I was struck by that “I’ve heard this somewhere before” feeling. You know, where you hear a riff, but you’re not sure just where else you heard it? Then, about midway through the first track, it hit me. This was Von’s Satanic Blood album at double the speed. The riffing is that simplistic and the main riff from “Emerging” is “Satanic Blood” only played faster. There are also several blatant Hellhammer moments on here where the vocalist attempts Tom Warrior’s trademark grunts. Simplicity does have some advantages, mostly because that tends to add to the track’s memorability. Unfortunately, this album just blows by in a haze of blast beats, simplistic, grinding riffs and caustic vocals. Several tracks, “World Cadaver” being the most blatant, sound like blast beat rap songs. There are guitars on there but you rarely hear them. All you hear is snare and vocals. The slower tracks are definitely better in that you actually hear the guitars properly and you can get a better idea of what the band is trying to do. Sadly, that tends not to be the norm. Defilement’s real strength seems to be in their slower tracks, but being a brutal Death Metal band apparently makes them want to dwell in the fast and furious realm. Another minor gripe, I don’t know if the song “The Axe” was meant to be a bonus track but if you have a song called “Closure,” you should probably stick it at the end.

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