Dark Funeral - Teach Children to Worship Satan

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2010

This is release number 4 for Dark Funeral - their second EP. Dark Funeral actually surprised me on this one because unlike previous efforts, they actually slow down a little! That in itself is a big change for this band as they made a name for themselves based on their psychotically fast playing and nonstop mayhem. This EP’s sole original track (the other four are covers) shows this change, and boy, was it shocking. The other tracks, the cover tunes, vary in speed according to the original songs. Though I tend to be down on bands that try to cover King Diamond, Dark Funeral’s rendition of “The Trial” was pretty good due to the fact that instead of growling or screaming in traditional Death or Black Metal fashion, they used a female vocalist to handle King’s falsetto. This sounded more natural for this particular song as the falsetto was the part of a accused witch at a witch trial. The other covers, “Dead Skin Mask,” “Remember the Fallen” and “Pagan Fears” (Slayer, Sodom and Mayhem respectively, in case you’ve spent the last 15 years listening to Pantera [and if so, please die -Editor]) are all completely faithful to the originals in timing and execution. All the songs are good, but considering Dark Funeral’s past performances (their ultra-fast playing being the key feature here), it sounds a bit strange to hear these guys play this slow. An added bonus for all you folks out there with computers, Dark Funeral has also placed a video for “An Apprentice to Satan” on here. The video is just them playing the song live and there are no flashy video effects or opportunities to make fools of themselves a-la Immortal’s first video (I forgot which song it was for but it was off their first album and was it fucking funny!). Fans of Dark Funeral will want this one and it was well worth the money I spent on it.

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