Convulse - Inner Evil

Posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Unlike a lot of these phonies out there, I’m not going to pretend that I’ve been listening to World Without God for 20+ years. I’ve never even seen an original pressing of Convulse’s legendary 1991 debut LP, so I’d like to know where everybody got one. However, since Relapse reissued that bad boy in 2010, I can’t say I’ve listened to any Death Metal record more often. It’s simply a masterpiece of crusty Old School Death. It’s Finland’s Left Hand Path, if you will, and surprisingly a great album to sleep to on low volume if you happen to be into that sort of thing. (I can’t be the only one.) Hardly the same band that followed up with the Stoner Rock disaster Reflections three years later. So, when I learned that the group had reunited in 2012 and were putting out a 7-inch that promised to be a return to brutal form, I was fucking psyched. Their first recording in 19 years? Their first potentially good recording in 22 years? I was beginning to wonder why people weren’t making a bigger deal out of this… then I actually heard it. DAMN! This is some boring shit, folks. I realize it has been a while, and sure it’s only two songs, but I mean this is booooring. This would also be a good one to fall asleep to, but for an entirely different reason. Rami Jamsa’s guttural growl doesn’t sound half-bad, but musically speaking, this is merely an autopiloted rehash trudging lifelessly through the mid-paced motions. Inner Evil is more phoned in than Righteous Kill. After two decades of nothing, we get twelve minutes of… nothing. Generic nostalgia for the sake of generic nostalgia. Maybe this is just a little warm-up to clear the creative cobwebs before unveiling the good album we all hope they still have in them, but even grading on that curve, this is still painfully mediocre at best.

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