Celebratum - Mirrored Revelation

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

This band sounds like they are heavily influenced by two very different styles of Black Metal. When they play fast, they sound dead-on like Dark Funeral. When they aren’t playing fast, they sound very much like Dissection. In fact, the bulk of Mirrored Revelation is in the Dissection style of Melodic Death Metal. The strength Celebratum has is rooted in this style. The fast stuff, while powerful and ferocious, loses a lot of memorability. You also have a situation where the production works fine for the slower material but gets muddled when the speed kicks up. The sound problem is centered around the snare drum. When the blast-beats start, the snare partially drowns out the guitars, making things hard to discern. When things are in the mid-paced range, everything clicks properly. The riffs are melodic, memorable and clear. Mirrored Revelation is mostly good, but I think Celebratum still has some rough edges to work out when it comes to their style. For my first exposure to this band, I have to say that I like what they’re doing and if they can work out a sound that can make their fast stuff sound as good as the slower stuff, these guys will fucking kill.

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