Blood Ritual - Black Grimoire

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

Without question, the biggest disappointment of 2005. I’m sorry, but I was highly anticipating this long overdue follow up to the classic At the Mountains of Madness, it had only been eight fucking years! At the Mountains… was a ferocious beast of dynamics, heaviness, and sheer demonic power. This album is nothing, absolutely nothing. An exercise in excruciatingly painful boredom brought on by the relentless monotony of nonstop, unmemorable brutality. Yes, it’s brutal, the intensity never lets up for a split second, and yes, the lyrics still delve deeper into the pits of Hell than most bands could dream to go. Nevertheless, the end result is forgettable, so god damn forgettable. I gave this album every possible chance to grow on me, most times I ended up dozing off by track three. Maybe they can return to glory with their next album, that is if I haven’t died of old age by the time it comes out.

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