Belphegor - Infernal Live Orgasm

Posted on Sunday, September 05, 2010

Germany’s answer to Morbid Angel returns with their first “live” CD. This album was released to celebrate their 10th year, compiling live cuts from all of their albums plus a video track and a couple new songs. The bulk of this disc is devoted to the live material and if you like the previous three Belphegor albums, you’ll enjoy this as well. My one major gripe about this album was the fact that it isn’t one actual show. It’s a bunch of tracks from various shows spliced together. The differences in sound and production quality are very evident. Some tracks have higher vocals, others have thin guitars. There is no real consistency in the sound other than the fact that Belphegor is tight as fuck and every song is face-ripping, neck snapping, and full of the wrath of our master Satan. If this CD is anything to go by, this is definitely a band to check out! The new tracks are in the same vein as the older material. Belphegor sounds a lot like Morbid Angel did during their Altars of Madness days - only faster. Fans of Sadistic Intent and old Morbid Angel will fucking love this shit.

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