Bal-Sagoth - The Power Cosmic

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010

This is the fourth album by British Epic Metallers Bal-Sagoth and much like their previous release, Battle Magic, this is heavy on the synth though the guitars and such are still very prominent. As a matter of fact, I can seriously see this band getting to the point where they would need a second synth player just to deal with how complex the keyboard parts are getting. The production on this is very clean with all of the instruments getting their own space. Bal-Sagoth also remembered that the drums should be in the background, which is really cool. I believe that the songs are all part of a concept piece set in the future, which would explain why Byron, the lead singer, is pictured holding that double-bladed Darth Maul lightsaber. I know a lot of people firmly believe that the Lords of the Sith are really Black Fucking Metal (particularly Darth Vader), but please! The picture just makes me laugh! Another thing, if you’re going to do a concept piece, include the fucking lyrics!!! I don’t care how stupid they are, just clue me in on what the story is about. The introductory paragraph or two is nice but it’s like releasing a really cool movie clip but then shelving the movie so that the only bits we see are off of a thirteenth generation bootleg. Other than those two minor gripes, this really is a great album. The music itself is some of the best I’ve heard in a while. The arrangements sound like they were well thought out and in the Classical vein, resulting in songs that flow very well. If you liked the last album, this one will be well worth tracking down.

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