Armagedda - The Final War Approaching

Posted on Thursday, September 02, 2010

“By supporting Armagedda you support the death of yourself, your family and your friends. Armagedda wants you dead.” Have you ever heard such moronic, childish bullshit in your entire life? That’s like saying, “We hate our fans and we don’t want you to buy our CD.” Maybe the band wants you to download MP3 versions of all of their music instead of purchasing it at the store? That way, you could listen to the music but at the same time, not support Armagedda. Musically, this band sounds a whole lot like Darkthrone with a bit of Dissection and a raw enough sound to give them some punch where it counts. Of all of the bands on Breath of Night, this band has to be the most generic (in terms of songwriting), but at the same time, you can tell that they have that Black Metal feeling in their music. One thing I noted is that though there are a total of eight songs on this album, the inlay only had lyrics for three. Why this is the case is beyond me. I will state clearly that two of the three songs had shitty lyrics and that “A” (the bassist. Yes, it’s just the letter “A” - kind of like “D” the Vampire Hunter) has a better command of the English language than Graav. Musically, this is pretty kick ass Black Metal in the older Norse way and though there are a lot of unintentionally funny bits in their inlay, they do deliver the goods when it comes to intense old-school Black Fucking Metal with no frills. Not the most original band but worth what you’re going to pay for their album - or the time it takes you to download their album off the Internet.

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