Arkona (Russia) - Slovo

Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You know, I’ve listened to a lot of Folk Metal over the last decade or so and I’ve somehow gotten to be considered an expert on the sub-genre. I’ve heard good bands and I’ve heard bands that I wish that I could forget. I’ve seen awesome bands produce one album and then disappear and I’ve seen crap bands pump out album after album of audio horse shit for years on end while never getting any better. I’ve heard Arkona (the Russian one, not one of the other dozen or so bands with the same name) off and on over the last decade or so, and to tell you the truth, I’ve never been able to listen to them for more than a few songs at a time. This holds true for Slovo. Some of the songs are okay, but a large number of them are just hokey crap that sounds like a Renaissance Faire with electric guitars and a double-bass drummer. If you want a Folk Metal album done well, you can look to bands like Falkenbach or Cruachan (the latest album in particular is pretty kick-ass) because they remember that the Metal comes first and that the happy, bouncy, Ren-Faire shit only works when you’re playing at the beer tent. I wasn’t even going to pick this up but someone told me that it was the best Arkona album in years. I should’ve listened to my gut instinct, because while this may be the best Arkona album in years, that isn’t exactly saying much. If you want to listen to a kick-ass band called Arkona, I recommend looking up the Polish one, though their albums are all probably long out of print.

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